Chapter One

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A/N: Hello to those of you kind enough to click on this story and give it a try. As a thank you, I send these chocolate frogs to you. :)

If you have any questions or noticed a mistake, please PM me. I'll get to you and change it.

Also, this is a SasuNaru yaoi story. Which means, Sasuke is seme. If you have any problems with that, I'll leave the 'BACK' button open for you.

Now that everything's out of the way, go ahead, read your hearts out.

Contains Yaoi and pairings: SasuNaru, NejiGaara, ItaDei, ShikaIno, and KakaIru

Happy Reading! ^.^

Oh, and before I forget, Gaara?


Gaara: BlackhawkIris doesn't fucking own Naruto. She's do wimpy to do something that awesome.

BHIris: Hey, take that back! I am not wimpy!

Gaara: -rolls eyes- Right. Not at all wimpy -cough- Iris, you only injure yourself and others around you during any sporting event.

BHIris: I do not!

Naruto: Yah you do! I remember, you hit me in the face with your racket during batmitten-

Gaara: -And managed to hit your foot when you dropped it too.

BHIris: Hey, leave me alone. I'm going to go cry in a corner.

Deidara: It's ok, Itachi picks on me too.

BHIris: -glare- Thanks so fucking much. That makes me feel so much better.


Chapter One

A streak of orange was barely visible as the rider turned a sharp corner around the street bend. In fact, nothing was out of the usual. Nobody noticed anything, because everything was as it seemed. It was a normal Monday morning. Panic was ensured as people rushed between the transitions of the blessed weekend to another yet another work day.

Panic, of course, was not at all a known feeling to the said person who had indeed noticed nothing out of the ordinary. Sasuke Uchiha leaned against his silk-cushioned chair, pale hands linked as his elbows rested upon the table in front of him. His chin sat gently on those polished fingers—pruned to the glory of the millionaire son himself.

Turning his head swiftly from the large glass window, his critical dark gaze rested none so lightly upon the poor waitress who had the luck (or misfortune) of serving his breakfast this bright, cheerful morning. His eyes never lifted from her quivering frame as she scuttled about doing her best to not look like a complete failure in front of the Sasuke Uchiha. However, he didn't miss the tiniest twitch or shake of her hands as she set his polished silverware on the white tablecloth. Finally when everything was set as perfect as could be (though, Sasuke personally thought that spoon was a bit crooked—but, no one was after all as perfect as he was), he silently dismissed her with a slight nod of the head. Flushed that the Uchiha heir had actually acknowledged her, the ditzy girl turned an unattractive red as she tripped out of the room.

With divine grace (which had obviously been drilled into him at a young age), the silent raven began to eat his meal alone in the brightly lit room. Upon finishing, the sleek, black mobile next to the diner buzzed slightly. There was no change in his facial expression as he flicked the phone open and held it a ways away from his delicate ear.

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