Chapter One - Reunited...Kind Of

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I run through the darkened streets of London, wearing a long black coat to hide my red dress and black leather gloves, a leather backpack bouncing behind me. God, I still love the running, even in these heels.

Blue and red lights flash behind me, chasing me, sirens wailing. I duck quickly into an alley and hold my breath, watching as the police cars roar past my hiding spot without slowing down a fraction. once the sirens have faded away, I begin to laugh, not believing I got away.

A whooshing sound and  flashing white-blue lights coming from behind me make me turn around. My laughter catches in my throat when I see the eight foot tall blue box materialize against the graffitied wall, a blue box that I have seen before and have heard so much about during my travels. I feel delighted shock explode through me.

A man with floppy dark hair pokes his head out of the box. He looks so different from the last time I saw him. Well, then again, so do I, with my long, curly, dark brown hair, stunningly green-blue eyes, and willowy figure.

The man jumps when he sees me standing there, illuminated by the golden light streaming from behind him, but then smiles. "Oh, hello there!" he says cheerfully.

I say hello back, grinning. He continues, "This may be a strange question, but what's the year?"

"2012. 22nd of September," I reply, edging toward him slowly.

He claps his hands and exclaims, "Ah, lovely! And your name?"

"Jenny. Jenny Smith."

I notice a flicker of sadness flash through his eyes for a moment, but then it's gone. "I'm the Doctor."

He steps into the alley, closing the door with a snap behind him, and I see that he's dressed in a tweed jacket and suspenders, a bowtie around his neck. "Well. Best be off. Got a lot of business to take care of." He claps his hands again and sidesteps me, into the street and then quickly down it with a strange little device beeping in his hands. It looked like he was trying to pick up readings.

I know why he's here, and I run to catch up with him. "Doctor! Wait!" I call. He pauses underneath a streetlamp, looking at me curiously. I skid to a stop next to him.

"Yes? I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude, but I've got something very important to do..." he says to me.

"Yes yes yes, I know why you're here"---he looks at me, taken aback---"and you're going to need my help." I start rooting through my bag. "And your'e going to need...this." I pull out a baseball sized, purple tinted diamond with a fair size chunk missing out of the side.

His jaw positively drops. "Wha-- Where-- Who-- How did you get that?!"

I smile coyly up at him. "Doctor, I think it's time I tell you who I am."

I place the diamond carefully back into my bag and start up the street. After a second, the Doctor follows me.

I come to a stop a few blocks away, in the crevice behind the museum I had just fled from, standing in the light from a streetlamp. He looks at me, bewildered but undeniably interested. I take a step closer and look into his eyes. "You really don't know who I am?" I ask.

He thinks for a moment, searching my eyes, face, trying to place me. Finally, he shakes his head.

I laugh, exasperated. "Come on! Recongize me! Well, to be fair, I look a lot different now. But then again, so do you." A moment's silence before I continue. "After you left, I woke up. And I hijacked a spaceship from Messaline, to go fly around and have my own adventures. Halfway to Dido I regenerated, right in the cockpit of my ship! I suppose my generation was just delayed, since, you know, I'm not an organic Timelady. It was a good thing the ship was on auto pilot! But when I landed, I looked like this. And my name! I chose a surname 'Smith' because I heard that you always use John Smith. Dad. It's me. Jenny."

His eyes widen as he understands. "Jenny?" His eyes fill with tears and he embraces me tightly.

A/N: Hey! Thanks for reading the first chapter of my Doctor Who Fanfic. I'm working on another story as well as this one, so I don't know how frequently I'll be uploading chapters. But I have no life, so it probably won't be too irregularly XD Thanks again!

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