Chapter Two - Gemma Più Preziosa

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I hear footsteps approaching and quickly pull the Doctor into the shadows, pressing a finger to my lips and listening hard. Two museum security guards stroll past, speaking in tense voices. We wait until their voices fade away to come back out.

"Why did we just hide from security?" the Doctor asks, eyebrows raised. We head around to the front doors of the musuem, where lights are waving, advertising a new exhibit.

The Doctor and I glance at the banners above the doors then I say, "I kind of had to steal the diamond. Well, it's not a diamond, but you know what I mean."

"If you stole this, why the hell are we going back in there?!"

"Well, they don't know who stole it."

The Doctor just shakes his head. "Alright fine. I'll trust you. But what happened? How did it get here?"

"Well, a few months ago, something fell out of the sky and landed in some coastal Italian town. They're calling it the Gemma Più Preziosa. But I suppose you know, Dad, what it actually is?"

He nods. The diamond was actually a star. It broke off a larger star called Algol and crashed into Earth.

"Alright, so, it fragmented into two when it landed here. I have the larger chunk of the two, but you know how vitally important it is that we get both. And quickly. The equinox is in 45 minutes." This star piece was set to implode with enough force to blow up the planet at the southward equinox, at 20:44 hours (A/n: Yes, I know it's actually supposed to be 14:49 in 2012, but we're going with it). We have to get both pieces back to Algol at the same time: if we were to throw one piece in, even a second earlier than the other, they would both detonate.

"Well then, we'd better get crackalackin," the Doctor says entusiastically, bounding through the door.

The museum has put out a replica of the larger piece of the Gemma Più Preziosa that was resting in my bag, but I could spot its faults. The Doctor could, too, apparently, because he studies it and laughs openly, inviting stares from the other, well dressed and snooty viewers.

"They've got the other piece over here," I say, leading him through the throngs of people to a second glass case. "How do you think we should go about this?" I ask. I'm very aware that our 45 minutes is ticking away.

He seems deep in thought. "Sh sh sh, thinking," he says to no one in particular. Then, "Aha! I've got a plan! Follow me!" And we dash back out of the viewing hall.


"And you're sure this will work?" I ask, glancing at him out of the corner of my eye.

"Sure I'm sure! Now, all you have to do is go to the dinosaur section and cause a diversion. Leave the rest to me."

I sigh, but resignedly meander to the other side of the museum. There weren't too many people here, since everyone was looking at the star, but they would be here soon enough.

I walk up next to the skeleton of a T-Rex and go to work pulling out the thigh bone. (A/n: I know dinosaur bones in musuems are bolted together, but again, we're going with it!) When that's done, I move on to the next and the next after that. Finally, wincing on the inside on the damage I'm about to cause, I push the T-Rex into the triceritops, and then with a domino effect all the dinosaurs in the room collapse to the ground with an almighty crash and huge cloud of dust. I hear footsteps rushing toward me immediately and run for it.

I keep running, back through the museum, until I run smack into the Doctor. "Did you get it?"

"Of course I got it, I'm the Doctor! Now," hegrabs my hand and we run outside, down the stairs. "We need to get back to the TARDIS."

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