Bendy, My Lord

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I woke up in a strange part of the studio.

Bendy was pacing in front of me. When I sat up, he looked over. "Sammy, you're awake." He picked up an Axe with his gloved hands."You owe me. If I hadn't saved you, well... Let's not think about that okay?"

I remained silent and he continues, "Anyways, I need you to do me a favor... Can you do that?"

"I-I can try.." I stammer. My's different. It's deep and raspy.

"Great!" Bendy smiled a bit. "I need you... to kill Joey Drew."


"I said it pretty loud...are you deaf? KILL. JOEY. DREW."


"No buts. If you kill him, I won't kill you."

"That's not..."

"Shut it, Sammy. Just do as you're told. In fact, I am your master. Your leader! YOUR GOD." Bendy laughed maniacally at that last part. "You'll make me happy or die."

I sigh as Bendy hands me the Axe.

I walk out and back upstairs, however, my reflection caught my eye. I didn't look human. AT ALL. My body was jet black. Like all this ink. My overalls were soaked with it too, but I could still tell they were there. Finally... My must've been there...but...I couldn't see it. I didn't like that.

I continued up the stairs and nearly had a heart attack. A cardboard Bendy waited at the top. In a rage, I chopped off it's head.

"Wow," A voice said. "That's no way to treat your master."

I turn to the voice and Bendy was suddenly there!


"Don't question it." Bendy crossed his arms. "Why don't you stick that head on your face? I can't stand to look at...your disfigured, inky face."

"You're supposed to be friendly..." I pick it up and stare at it.

"Well once you've been forgotten, you get a cold...dark feeling in your soul."

I wearily stick the chopped off cardboard head on my face. It sticks. That is honestly terrifying.

"You know, Sammy, I don't know why your soul hasn't turned dark." Bendy tilted his head. "I mean Joey worked you to exhaustion. He put that drainage pump smack in your office. Not to mention, he abandoned you down here. They all did."

As I hate to admit it, Bendy was right. This sudden realization struck me hard, like a knife in the back.

"Ah! There it is my friend!" Bendy chuckled. "I myself could hear the sheer breaking of your soul AND heart." He stood in front of me. "Kill and Sacrifice Joey to me and you'll feel fulfilled. Trust me."

"Yeah, alright." I grasp the Axe firmly in my hands. "I'll do lord, Bendy."

"Heh," he smiled fiendishly. "Then go get em, Ti-"

Bendy stopped in the middle of his sentence. "You're no Tiger. You're still too soft." He thought for a moment. "You're a Sheep, Sammy Lawrence. A fluffy frail Sheep."

I say nothing and walk off to find my unfortunate friend, Joey Drew.

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