Dragon Slayers

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Lisanna sighed and rested her head on the table. Her sister Mira was fighting Erza…again.

Don't they EVER get tired of beating each other up like that? she wondered. She watched Erza go flying across the room before she charged Mira again.

Guess not.

Lisanna looked around for something to do. Elfman and Gray were playing cards with Cana. Gray's mentor, Ur, was watching them with amusement. Her other pupil, Lyon, looked bored. Master had left a little while ago to get away from the noise. She really didn't blame him. The other guild members were just doing the usual and trying to avoid Mira and Erza as they fought.

Lisanna got up to tell her sister to stop fighting for the FIFTH time that morning when she heard the Master's booming voice echo throughout the guild. She turned towards the entrance to see what was going on.

The little old man stood by the door to the guild. Lisanna noticed that there were two boys trailing slightly behind him, a blond one, and one with strange, salmon pink hair. The blond boy looked pretty excited, but he was doing a good job of containing himself. His companion looked a little nervous, glancing around the room uncertainly at the people inside. With his dark eyes and the white scarf around his neck, Lisanna had to admit he looked kind of cute.

The Master cleared his throat to get everyone's attention again before speaking. "Alright you brats, listen up! We have two new members joining the guild today." He motioned for the boys to step forward, which they did.

Makarov gestured to each boy in turn. "This is Sting," His hand moved to the blond one. "And his twin brother Natsu." His hand gestured to the salmon-haired boy. "I expect you all to give them a warm welcome and make them feel at home here."

Sting nodded politely at the guild members, while Natsu continued to look around warily. He met Lisanna's gaze for a moment, and she smiled at him.

He started to smile back when Erza started talking. "Hey Master, you still haven't told us what kind of magic they use. Are they strong?"

The Master paused and grinned for a moment before replying. "Well, even I don't know what kind of magic they use, but they were strong enough to beat the crap out of a thief at the marketplace without using it. I'll let you find out for yourself."

Gray scoffed from the other end of the room. "Pfft. Anyone could beat up a common thief. That doesn't make them very strong. They look weird. Especially the one with pink hair."

Natsu's head whipped around to find the source of the insult and he narrowed his eyes when he found it. "Oh yeah? Well first of all my hair is salmon not pink. Second of all, I think you're pretty weird since you're just sitting there with no clothes on."

At that moment, Cana spoke out. "Gray, your clothes!"

Gray looked down and yelled when he saw that he was in his boxers. "When did that happen?!"

Natsu put his hands behind his head and grinned a little. Lisanna saw that his canine teeth were really long. Almost like fangs. "I knew it. You're a weirdo, for sure." The boy laughed.

Gray turned back towards him with an angry look on his face. "What was that?! You wanna fight squinty-eyes?"

Natsu stopped laughing and glared at him. "Sure, why not droopy-eyes?"

Ur got up for a second, probably to stop them, but Master motioned for her to stand down.

Sting was looking a little left-out so he spoke next. "Hey Natsu! Don't hog all the fighting to yourself!"

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