Chapter 5: Meeting Sara

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Your POV
You awake in rubble and are badly hurt. You get up very slowly from the agonizing pain all throughout your body. "Ow! Well that freaking hurt!" you say out loud hoping someone would hear you but no one does. You wander around and notice that everything is different from the streets being gone, the destroyed buildings, and not one soul around to hear you. You think to yourself 'Did it not work? Did I fail? Or am I in heaven?'. You manage to find S.T.A.R. Labs and you enter the now demolished building. You scream "Cisco, Oliver, John, Iris, Rene! Where are you?" You think you are alone but you then hear what sounds like a sonic boom. You quickly go back outside to notice a ship that has a weird cube like shape glowing orange. You head towards it but think 'Wait! It could be the Dominators! Maybe it might not be. I'm not risking anything.' You unsheath your sword waiting to attack.

Sara's POV

I felt like it was a normal day on the Waverider when Nate showed up saying "Sara we have an aberration." I look at him and say "Plot the course I'll be there in a sec." I head to my room and think about Star City and what Oliver is going through. Little does I know he's throwing a funeral. I enter the command center and head to Central City 2256. After the time jump you see Central City in near ruin and the only thing that had light was a dimly lit S.T.A.R. Labs. As I exit, myself, Stein, Nate, Mick, Jax and Palmer head out looking for what the aberration could be. "Alright I think we should split in two groups Jax, Sara and I can check this side of Central City while you, Mick and Nate go to the other end." Stein says to Palmer out loud. I catch on and agree. I manage to check next to S.T.A.R. Labs while Jax and Stein enter S.T.A.R. Labs just in case they need to merge.

3rd person POV

Jax enters a room that's lit very brightly and spots a dagger (another one of your costume pieces). "Gray I think I found something." Jax yells to Stein. He enters and notices the dagger. "Who's do you think it is?" Stein questions. "Mine." (F/N) says. Jax and Stein turn around to see a (man/woman) in a (costume description). "Whatever it is you want maybe we can help you." Stein says. (F/N) says "I want to get to Star City. I want to see the people. I want to see Oliver Queen!" When he says that last request Stein realized that this was the aberration. A person. Jax was about to merge but (F/N) caught on. (He/she) hit Jax with the hilt of (his/her) sword and then brought it to Martin's throat. "You don't understand. We're here to help you." Stein says with fear. (F/N) says "Really Deathstorm?". Stein realized that (F/N) thought (he/she) was in another Earth. As Stein realized this he and (F/N) saw Sara come in and say "Let him go!"

Your POV

The woman in front of you said "Let him go!". You complied and brought the sword to her. You asked "Where am I? Where am I really?". She calmly said "You're at S.T.A.R. Labs in the year 2256." and you dropped the sword. "2256? I was just in the year 2018 why am I here?" The woman said "It's alright we're here to help. My name is Sara Lance. What's your name?" and then it hit you like a mallet. "My name's (F/N). And your Dad misses you." you say to Sara. She smiles as your mind races 'So this is what Sara Lance looks like.' she says "So are you the aberration?". You look at her dumbfounded. "Aberration?" you say then the old man says "Time aberration. It's like a piece in history that isn't correct. We correct it.". You look around to see the differences and the only thing that seems out of place is you.

You quickly turn to the person you knocked out and see if he's okay and apologize to the person you now know as Jefferson Jackson and Martin Stein. When you get Jax up off the ground for medical attention Sara, who you find to be mesmerizing, calls someone who appears to be on comms. She says "We got the aberration. Get to the ship." In the calmest voice possible. You realized that she was a leader and pretty fearless. When you get to the ship called the Waverider you get Jax to the Med Bay and Stein follows behind you. When you set him down you feel something hit the back of your head and see a bald man with what looks like a miniaturized flamethrower.

"Who's this bozo?" he says in a gruff voice. As he says that you quickly get up and engulfed your hand in electricity scaring Stein and the bald man. As you do this, a woman with a weird necklace entered. She tackles you to the ground and you quickly teleport away. "That's a new one." You say in a calm voice while shocked on the inside and as you get in your fighting stance Sara enters and tells them to stand down. "So this is the aberration? Do we kill (him/her) later or keep (him/her) here?" said the man named Mick. "We keep (him/her) alive." Sara and Martin say simultaneously. You say thank you to Sara and Martin. After a while you also meet Ray, Nate and Amaya (the woman with the necklace). You also meet Mick and Jax properly, without any provocation.

After meeting everyone you made a decision and talked to Sara about it. "Ms. Lance, I'd like to be on your team until the mission is done." you say and Sara looks at you confused. "I thought we would take you back to your own time. Why stay?" she asks curiously. You look at her and say "Back in 2018 I fought for the future and made sure people got a better present. If I'm on here, on this team, I can fight for the past and ensure that the future is safe. Plus it could be useful having more training." Now this was a partial lie. You did want to make people safe but you also wanted to get closer to Sara and you hope that she accepts. "Okay (F/N), you can join. But The Society might be a bit tough." she says. "I won't mind." you say. She gets up to inform the team but you stay where you are thinking about two things: how you can tell Sara about your feelings and how the people back home will react to you being alive. You smile at both thoughts as Sara looks at you thoughtfully.

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