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This chapter is dedicated to my next victim, Sumi.

Sumi here fucking left to another country. I miss Sumi very very much.

Instead of writing a letter to Sumi. I'm going to write about Sumi. in whatever way I want. (Probably a List)

5 Things about Sumi

1. Sumi is a very friendly and supportive person, so she would always be there for almost everyone and was friends with almost everyone. She would help me get the courage to do things out of my comfort zone. (I miss you being there pushing me to do better)

2. She's very loud (and thats a good thing). The volume of her voice in addition to her weird laugh would never leave your day peaceful and quiet. My days without her seem a little more quiet than when she was here. (basically i'm saying, you're loud and I miss your loudness)

3. She's very unfunny. Yeah. thats it. you're so unfunny dude, that its somehow funny.

4. Sumi is a beautiful person, who's also very talented in both musical and athletic fields. (Her singing voice is amazing dood)

5. She's a great person. (no other words needed to explain).

She may not be here anymore, but she does her best to keep in touch and updated.

I miss you alot Sumi, I hope we can keep this friendship up for an long time. Without you, I wouldn't have had the motivation to chase after  her.

I really wish that I got to say goodbye to you that day....

I'm sorry about that and a bunch of other bad stuff I've probably done to you.

This chapter may be too short for someone like you.

But, its the best I can do. I miss you alot Sumi.

PS: You better fucking come back.

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