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This chapter is dedicated to someone extremely special to me. Lets name her.... Remi. (idk why not)

Once upon a time, there was a wolf. It was wandering in woods looking for food. Soon the night came, and the forest was consumed by the darkness. The wolf was lost in the darkness. He was alone.

Until something amazing happened. The night sky lit up. The wolf looked up to see a million stars set up in a path. At first the wolf was scared as to what would happen if he were to follow the stars, but soon enough the wolf started walking.

Soon enough he arrived home, the stars lead him through the dark in order to get home.

The stars started to fade away as the sun was rising from the horizon. The Wolf was devastated and tried doing something, but alas the stars faded and the bright morning sun greeted him.

The wolf waited for the sun to set as he was certain the stars would come back to see him.

The Sun soon set.

The wolf looked up to the sky expecting the stars to be there. Sadly, he was greeted by the darkness of the night sky.

He delved into the forest thinking he could find the stars once again. But alas, he was once again lost within the depths of the forest. Once again lost and alone in the darkness.

Dear Remi,

I'd like to thank you.

Thank you for making me feel loved.
Thank you for making me the happiest person alive.
Thank you for being yourself around me.
Thank you for the heartfelt hugs.
Thank you for looking at me in such a loving way.
Thank you for everything.

I know you've moved on while i'm still here not moved on.

But, i'd like you to know that I really care about you. Even if we aren't together anymore. I would always do my best to take care of you and give you little surprises.

I apologize for all the bad things I have done towards you. I apologize for not being good enough.

You're a beautiful person Remi, both inside and out. I wouldn't know why you would put make up on, because you're already extremely beautiful without it.

You have a knack for poetry, keep writing!

You're talented in alot of ways too.

I feel bad for the guys who wouldn't want to be with you. They're missing out on alot. They're too blind to see a true beauty right in front of them! (because true beauty comes from within)

I will always be here to listen and take care of you, so never hesitate to tell me

Keep smiling that beautiful smile of yours and keep laughing that adorable laugh.

You're unique.

Never forget that.

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