Chapter 2

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"So why did you want to go on a walk in the first place, Lil?"

"It's something that always seems nice to do. It's really relaxing."

"That's true."

You both continued to ponder around the empty streets. Both pairs of footsteps being the only sound excluding the winds soft whispers in the crisp cold air. Not a word was uttered between you. Beyond the few feet of the house was danger lurking everywhere. Behind every corner and in every shadow. You never know what creeps do at this time in an area like this and you wished that you wouldn't ever discover the activities they do. You looked at your friend who was clearly getting a thrill from it. A legal high of adrenaline. Reckless she was but she knew where her edge was, thankfully. You knew one day it will get the better of her.

You saw graffiti covering walls. Names sprawling the once maroon brick tile walls. One being a bright neon yellow. The mustard coloured writing stood out because of the cogs on the 'o' in a signature barely readable.

"Hey look, Crank." You pointed out. Causing a topic of conversation to finally sprout.

"Our lovable little Ethan wouldn't be as evil as to do that."

"The blue boy may have a dark side."

You both chuckle. You continued to ponder whilst looking at your feet as they move you further.

"How often do you do this?" You finally questioned. The thought was buzzing in your mind.

"Not too often." She uttered through gritted teeth. You hated it when she lied.

The conversation was short lived. Shrieking suddenly echoed in the damp eery scene. On impulse, Lily ran as fast as her legs could take her. Towards the scream rather than away from it.

"Lil wait!!" You call after as you push yourself off to catch up with her. Your sprint was quicker than it had ever been. Being the not so active person that you are it was definitely a struggle to say the least. But you soon caught up.

The silence was deafening. Worry stuck you like lightening as your heart beat rapidly in the illuminating moonlight. Fear chocked you as you soon come to a halt for breath.

"Oh god."


Your breathing hitches as your name was shouted, almost pleading, by your friend. Your sprint was once again at a cheetahs pace as you finally reached the scene. Your first sight was an unfamiliar blonde haired girl with her clothes drenched in blood. Her own more than likely. Her attire was over dressed for an ordinary day out. Her figure was shaking against the dirt and clutter of the piss scented alley.

Lily was at her side. No marks or bruises or cuts much to your relief. Her palms were raised up and her chest moved rapidly due to her intense breathing.

Lastly there was a man dressed entirely in black. He had criminal written all over him and dangerous plastered on aura. His face was hidden by a baseball cap and a black bandana ties tightly round his jaw. In his gloved hand was a knife.

You didn't say anything. What was there to even say at this point? Words failed to accompany you. You walked in on what could've been a rape or murder crime scene. I mean "what the fuck ?!" Wouldn't really suit the incident before you.

The tall man charged at you. His dagger pointed at you. Even though it was only a pocket knife those things could do serious damage. Your eyes widened at him. His own stared straight back at you. The sagged skin around them furrowed showing anger. You were stricken with terror. As soon as he was a few centimetres away you raised your foot to hit him. Whether it was impulse or plan you wasn't too sure but you were thankful you had.

He fell to the floor in pain. His voice croaked curse words drowned in coughs. "Quick lets go!" You yell to the girls who didn't think twice about your orders. You all ran even more than you had before. If this didn't cure the adrenaline withdrawal Lily had who knows what could.

"I-I need to see Mark!" The girl sobbed. We soon reached the 'cranky wall' and leaned against it.

"Let's get you back to my place. Clean you up. Can you give us marks number?"

The girl nodded.

"What's your name?" You ask her as you all begin to tread in a slow pace.

"Amy. I-I was going to Marks place a-and that man stopped me and-"

"Shhh it's okay. You don't need to explain anything yet. Let's get you all patched up and calm." You cue softly as you gaze at her. Her body was stained an orange tint from her blood and on close inspection you could see bruises. Pity was all you could feel. Who knows what the creep has or will do to her.

Arriving back to Lily's wasn't a time consuming task. Once arriving you threw your shoes off and stretched.

"I'll sort the first aid kit out and make something to calm her with. You get her some clothes and what not?" Lil suggested

"Sure thing. Cmon Amy." You smile to her and take her hand. It shook rapidly in yours and it was colder than ice.

"Okay let's see something loose and fitting for you." You smile at her. She smiled back but you could tell it was forced. "How about these?"

You pulled out a white tank top and some tracksuit bottoms. Nothing fancy but it would do its purpose.

She sniffed and nodded. You could sense her fear and anxiety. This Mark character is what she needed but he wasn't here. Not yet. You vowed to do everything in your power to get to him. You knelt down in front of Amy and looked up at her. Her eyes were filled with tears.

"It's okay. It's all over now." You cue softly and she wraps her arms around you tightly.

"I would be dead if it weren't for you. Thank you so much."

"It's seriously fine. Don't thank me." You whisper. "I may not know you or anything but you're now my main concern. We'll have you back with Mark before you know it."

"Th-Thank you so much." Sobbed on your shoulder meekly as you rubbed her back.

"It's okay. What did the bastard do to you?"

She pulled away and removed her jacket. There was intense bruising on her neck and shoulders. Some looked as if he actually bit into her. There was a gash above her chest and her clothes were torn. His intentions with her was very clear to you now.

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