Chapter 2: Flirty Antics

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Time has passed me by each day Harume and I talk to to one another. It really does feel like i found the one, but should i talk to Karin about it? Ugh i hate self conflict-ion, it just gets me no where but thinking about the pessimistic possibilities. I begin to ponder about whether i should tell Karin or not. He did in fact tell me to talk to him once my mind is at a good state of mind and not like last time. Here's a story about how last time ended up. I spoke to Karin about this one girl who is gone now..but continuing. Karin told me to just be myself and be happy, and she will love me, but being myself was too much for this girl. She eventually left for good and just left me heart broken and doing things i wouldn't expect myself to do. That is why i smoke on occasion and overthink about certain things as well.

I bathe myself as i continue to think about this because i feel like she is the one. But apart of me is saying she isn't; she's just toying with my emotions and making me go gaga all over again. Ugh, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know! Fuck! I just need to keep thinking optimistically and not think about the worse thing possible, she probably doesn't love me. I get dressed and turn on my phone, and i see an unread text on my notification.

*One Unread Text From "Harume <3" at 6:24 a.m*

I am rather confused on why she is the first to text. I'm happy she texted first though, although i'm still confused on why she texted so early in the morning. I go ahead and proceed to gaze upon the text, once i unlocked my phone of course.

*Hey, Ren*, wanna stop by at the mall later today? I know you may be thinking this is weird but since you're my only friend, i would love to go out with you any time! I could buy you stuff since you always buy for my coffee and items. Anyway text back if you want to go. xoxo <3*

"I mean this time it's her asking to go out, and not me pestering her..of course i'll go!" I say confidently. But what if she's lying and has a friend? Oh no. What if you're just going to third wheel? I don't care, she asked me to go out so of course i am going. I stop fighting with my pessimistic demons and smile through the thoughts. I get ready and run out the house, grabbing my keys and phone. I'm glad she finally has a sense of direction and knows where certain places are. She's most likely at Ukun Mega Mall, located nearby my school coincidentally. I quickly texted Harume to find me in front of the mall and to sit by the benched around, that way i can find her. And to my surprised, she listened and i spotted her practically a mile away.

"Hey Harume! Over here!" I wave my arms to signal it's actually me calling her. She caught my attention and smiled, looking down right after. I walk over to her and pass through an abundance of people in the way of me and her. After having to go through that long journey, i sit next to Harume.

"Hey, heh." I say as i laugh awkwardly. I then look around because of my paranoia kicking in. I spot nobody walking towards us so i smile and continue being the awkward person i am. She seems to be shy as well, as she is always looking down, blushing. This is all too cute, so i don't want to ruin this moment. But i actually want to head inside the mall because i am rather hungry. "..So want to go inside to get something to eat or buy clothes? Whatever you wish hon- uh i mean-"


I quickly stop myself from finishing the sentence and look down. Harume heard what i said and seemed to have predicted what i said, as its evident that she is now flustered and looking down. She is covering her face with her hands and nods in agreement to my short lived offer.

While we are walking inside, we spot people glaring at us and smiling, complimenting us on how pretty/handsome we are in our attire. In all honesty, my hair is a mess, i'm wearing joggers and a graphic t-shirt, and Converses. Harume is also wearing a graphic t-shirt, shorts with black and white thigh highs, and mix match sneakers, basically, she's cute and all, but in all honesty, it's the mall we were going to, why would we dress so extravagant to some social place with thousands of people watching us? Anyway we are heading to some clothing store, since she is the host, it's her choice to pick where to go.

Right after the clothing store, we stopped by the gaming store because she had a feeling i was in love with games. I bought some games for myself and games for her since she told me one time that she loved games too, only shooting games specifically. I find that actually cute that she enjoyed shooting games, she takes quite a liking to them. After the game store, we finally stopped by the food court. Like my mother once told me, "to be a gentleman, you must pay for your significant other and never let her pay so much for something, you should pay for them". She was something, but i suppose she was right. Ever since she has told me that advice, i just payed for my significant other(s) and Harume.

After the food, we walked out the mall, looking at the pitch black but starry sky and ambient city lights. Harume stares at the lights and at me, as she quickly looks away. Hm..Wonder why she looked away? She really is shy. I smile and laugh softly, as Harume walks closely too me. I freeze but let her do as she pleases, and to my surprise, she hugs me softly and looks up at me. "Today was fun, i really enjoyed it! I'll text you later, okay?" She softly kisses my cheek and lets go, scurrying away.

Well god damn..i need to talk to Karin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2017 ⏰

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