Chapter Eight

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Ceylan and Guren sat on a park bench together, waiting for the others to arrive. Ceyland rested his head on Guren's shoulder, and Guren could feel how quickly his heart was beating.

"Ceylan, it's okay," Guren whispered. "Everything will work out fine."

Ceylan and Guren had spent the morning together, and Ceylan had told Guren about his mother. Guren could see how jittery, afraid, and unstable Ceylan was, but Guren helped him to calm down a bit.

Ceylan squeezed Guren's hand gently. Guren squeezed back, and Ceylan's heartbeat only quickened.

A bike bell rang in the distance, and Ceylan jolted upwards. Chooki was the first to show up.

"Hey guys," he greeted the two of them. Chooki looked happier than normal, but neither Guren nor Ceylan had any idea. No one spoke a word while they waited for everyone to arrive. 

One by one, the others arrived. First it was Beni. She quickly caught on to the others not talking, and she stood awkwardly and silently. Guren could tell she was nervous, and he didn't blame her. It was an awkward and uncomfortable situation.

Toxsa showed up two minutes later. He and Chooki started to whisper a bit, but it was barely audible over the nearby road. Finally, Gen showed up.

Guren stood up, and immediately Toxsa and Chooki stopped whispering, Beni stopped fidgeting, and Gen just stared.

"Ceylan and I have an announcement," Guren told everyone. The silence and tension was eased only by a light breeze on the playground. However, when the wind stopped, the air seemed hotter and denser than it had before. Guren took a deep breath, and Ceylan closed his eyes.

"We're dating."

At first, no one reacted. Then, Beni started to clap. Chooki joined her, then Toxsa, then Gen. Ceylan and Guren both blushed harder than ever. Almost silently, Guren whispered to Ceylan, "See? I told you everything would work out fine."

Then Chooki started to speak. "So, uh, I have an announcement too," he mumbled. All eyes turned to him. "I have a girlfriend."

"Who?" Guren asked.

"Maliyah Young," Chooki told them.

"Who?" Beni asked.

Chooki laughed. "She lives in Scorum City. She's the captain of their girls soccer team, and she comes here often because her aunt lives here."

"Of course it's a sports star. Duh," Ceylan said. 

Everyone laughed, except for Toxsa. He had said the same thing when Chooki told him he had a crush on him. Toxsa pretended to be overjoyed, but truthfully, he felt left out. He was the only one of the original four knights who wasn't dating, and he felt it was weird that he didn't have a crush. 'Something is definitely wrong with me,' he thought to himself. But he decided not to tell the others, why ruin their mood?

Beni was internally struggling witha choice that had been in her head. Now, in the perfect oppurtunity to ask Gen out, she was second-guessing herself. Typical. What had Toxsa told her? 'Just be true to yourself, and they'll love you for it.' Well, it was time to test that. Beni looked around. Guren and Chooki were talking, Ceylan was bragging to Toxsa, and Gen was watching it all, just like she was.

"Gen?" Beni asked. "Can we talk?"

Gen looked taken off guard. "Sure. Beni, what's up?"

Beni took a deep breath. "Willyougooutwithme?" She mumbled quickly.

Gen looked confused. "What did you say?"

Beni took another deep breath, and this tie, she steadied herself. "Will you go out with me?" she asked again. 

This time, it was not confusion on Gen's face, but horror.

"B-B-Beni, I, uh" he began awkwardly as tears began to collect in Beni's eyes. "You're like a sister to me Beni, but, I don't feel that way about you."

Beni began to sob. The others watched in horror as Beni hopped on her bike and ran off, devastated. Toxsa hopped on his bike and followed her, feeling horrible about the advice he gave her.

Gen looked down at the ground. He felt horrible. He knew, in the long run, it was better not to lie to Beni, but that didn't erase the shame he felt. Beginning to cry a little as well, Gen got on his bike, riding towards his apartment. He wanted to crawl into a corner and hide, but her apartment was next to his, so she'd hear him cry. Gen turned when he reached his apartment, opting to drive around Benham City rather than face his shame.

Back at the park, Ceylan received a call. Guren listened to the conversation, and horror began to rise in his chest.

"Hey Dad, what's up?

"Ceylan, come quick! You mother's in the hospital again, and they don't think she's g-going to m-m-make it" Ceylan's father started to sob, and so did Ceylan.

"I'm on my w-w-way," Ceylan sobbed. He hopped on his bike, and Guren followed.

That left only Chooki in the park. Chooki had millions of questions, but one came to the forefront of his mind: What just happened?

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