Chapter Twenty

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Hey guys! Dylan here. Just want to say that I'm really sorry for my long absence between chapters 19 and 20. I've had some interesting experiences with theater camps, as well as preparations for an audition and tech week of an upcoming show.  But, I'm really excited to release chapter twenty, and I just want to say thanks if you stuck around. On to the story, hope you guys like it!

After a few hours, Guren was released from the hospital, and the knights each went home to deal with their own situations, promising to meet up at the diner in an hour.

Toxsa told Wakamei everything that had happened, and she hugged him close. 

"You little idiot, " she whispered affectionately as she squeezed him. "You could've gotten yourself in serious trouble."

Toxsa just smiled at her. "Would you have done any different?" he asked her.

Wakamei blinked back tears. "My baby brother really is growing up."


Chooki sighed. He had just gotten off the phone with Maliyah, and she had agreed to come to the diner with all of the knights. Chooki smiled to himself, as it occurred to him that most of the knights had never met Maliyah. Chooki couldn't wait to introduce his girlfriend to his best friends.


After the police left, Guren and Ceylan sat down on the couch together, exhausted. Max jumped up on their laps. Ceylan and Guren both smiled, and together they gave Max the best belly rub of his life.

Eventually, the two boys got in Mr. Nash's car. 

"I can't believe they're going to let me stay with you guys," Ceylan admitted.

Guren nodded. "Your grandma must be awesome to let you stay here."

"Well, I guess it's because she didn't want me staying with her." Ceylan said.

"Why wouldn't she?" Guren asked. 

Ceylan smiled. "I may have been a destructive little kid." His mischievous grin spread wide accross his face.

Guren rolled his eyes and smiled. "What did you do?"

"I may have dropped a lamp on her cat by accident," Ceylan laughed nervously.

"You're insane," Guren muttered.

"Insane and proud," Ceylan agreed.

Guren had to laugh. 

The car pulled up to Ceylan's house. Both boys took a deep breath, and ran inside as quickly as possible to grab Ceylan's stuff. As they made to exit the house, a figure blocked the door. 

"Well, well, well," Mr. Jones said. "I see you figured out my little secret."

Ceylan backed up nervously, and Guren rushed in front of him to defend him from the man towering over them. 

"The police are on their way," Ceylan told him, trembling.

"Are they?" Mr. Jones asked. "Interesting."

"You need help," Ceylan said. "Something's wrong with you."

"No," Mr. Jones retorted, "something's wrong with you."

Guren spoke up bravely, his voice steady and firm. "Nothing is wrong with Ceylan."

"Quiet, faggot!" Mr. Jones snapped. Guren stood firm but said nothing.

Ceylan, however, got angry. "How dare you!" he shouted, all fear and caution thrown to the wind. "How dare you call Guren that! He's ten times the man you are, and deep down, you know that!"

Ceylan and Guren watched as Mr. Jones snapped completely. He ran up to Guren and began to strangle him. Guren fought back to no avail, as Mr. Jones was much stronger than him. Guren was certain he would die when he heard the gunshot, and the grip on his neck slackened and fell. Guren opened his eyes in shock. Mr. Jones was lying dead on the ground, his head surrounded in a pool of blood. Ceylan stood behind him, gun in hand. 

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