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guanlin —

no reply.

"seonho? hello?" then i looked at the clock, oh figures, it was 10:30 already. no wonder he was sleepy.

"okay then goodnight, i hope you didn't hear that" i whispered.

i'm now saving that for a special time, which is definitely not now.

in the morning

"guanlin wake up! you have to go to school!"

i heard loud knocking at my door.

"yeah mom, wait-just wait" i rolled off my bed onto the floor "ouch.. maybe i shouldn't do that"

i showered and put on my uniform, yadayada all that usual stuff. i went to check my phone to see if there was any messages.

1 text from daehwi. 2 texts from jihoon hyung. another text from samuel and 3 from woojin, the big one.

nothing from seonho. sigh.

"guanlin! i don't think you'll have time to eat breakfast, if you keep playing your phone!" my sister nagged me.

"yeah yeah, okay i'll put it down" i stashed my phone in my pocket and went downstairs to eat.

okay. there's no mom. or dad.

"sis! where's mom and dad?"

"huh? i'm in the bathroom!"

"i know you're in the bathroom but where's mom and dad?!"

"Oh, they had to go to work earlier so they left without breakfast! by the way, i think you're late too so, better go now!" she popped her head out of the bathroom door.

"bye bye!" she made a shoo-ing motion with her hand.

"okay sheesh i'm going" i grabbed a piece of bread and put on my shoes.

"bye!" i walked out the door. my school isn't that far away so i normally walk there, i usually go to seonho's house first but i'm sorta late, sorry seonho.

i ate my bread while replying to my text messages.

"hey! guanlin!" i turned around, there was someone speeding up with a bike.

"who?" i squinted to see, i forgot my glasses.

the person was approaching me and they were really fast. they kept shouting something.

once it was near me it slowed down. it stopped in front of me. the guy was panting like crazy, his hair was all messy because of the wind.

"hop on!" it was seonho. i swear to god this kid.

i hopped on without hesitation because we were late. there was no backseat so i had to stand.

seonho began speeding again "seonho, can you chill please we're almost flying and if i lose my grip i'm dead"

"we're late! of course i'm not chilling!"

we both laughed as seonho keeps pedalling hard.

after we went through some bumps and almost fell a couple of times we finally reached school, luckily with only minor scratches.

"mr. guanlin mr. seonho you are 7 minutes late" ah shoot it was mr. jisung's turn to guard the school gates today.

"yes we're sorry sir, me and guanlin we were caught in traffic"

"what? you guys came here with a bike and i know your homes are close to school so there's no way you were caught in traffic" he has this annoyed expression on his face

to be honest what was seonho thinking, traffic??

mr. jisung suddenly laughed, me and seonho looked at each other and also laughed awkwardly

"why are you laughing?" he scolded "go get to class, i'll excuse you this once"

we ran to class laughing out asses off.

"guanlin see you later!" seonho and i parted ways because he's one year younger than me

i smiled to myself, this morning is turning out pretty well.


im soso sorry guys for not updating i just entered highschool  so i hope you understand

i promise the next chapter will be soon! love youu

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