Tord x Reader (Totally not a Heathers Ripoff)

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I just watched Heathers the other day so have a High School AU that's basically a ripoff of Heathers

Dear Diary,

My teen angst bullshit has a body count.

It sounds like I'm stealing a quote from Heathers but I'm serious.

How did this even start? It was that boy...



The day started like any other. I was sitting on the stairs in one of the stairwells in school reading a book, when suddenly the book was knocked out of my hands.

"What the fuck man?" I looked up at Erica Huckleberry (Heather McNamara) and Erica Fetterbush (Heather Duke), clearly pissed off.(Ericaceae= a family of flowers known as the heath or heather family btw)

"Don't blame me, blame Erica . She wants to talk to you in the lunch room." Erica Huckleberry replied.

"Ugh, fine." I got up, picked up my book, and walked into the cafe.

I never have been fond of Ericaceae Heath(or Erica for short). She was well known and well like among everyone, but ughhhh, she was such a bitch! Truth be told, I was only friends with her bc she was popular. I honestly regret that, now that I know how much of a bitch she is. I opened the door to the cafe and stepped inside.

"There you are! I've been waiting forever!"

"What is it Erica?"

"We're doing lunch-poll, remember?"

"Yes Erica." I groaned behind her back. I hated doing lunch poll. I never got to eat lunch because of it.

As I followed Erica around the cafeteria, I noticed a ̶h̶o̶t̶ mysterious looking boy. He was wearing a black trench coat and had his hair up in two horn-like spikes. I couldn't help but stare at him. Erica noticed.

"God (Y/N)! Drool much?" she said, venom in her voice. I snapped out of my trance.

"W-what?" she scoffed and dragged me away to continue the poll. The mystery boy smiled at me. I smiled back and waved. He waved back. Erica noticed me continuing to stare at him.

"God (Y/N)! Drool much? You were totally throwing your panties at that new kid."

"The one in the trench coat?"

"DUH! What, did you have a brain tumor for breakfast? Who else?"

Suddenly a gunshot rang through the cafeteria. Everyone quickly turned to the source to see what's going on.

It seemed that Curtis and Ramond (Kurt and Ram) were picking on the new kid, judging how they were the first to run, running before the gunshot. After the gun fired, everyone started running out of the building. I looked at the boy in shock, not moving. Erica had to drag me outside. The last glance I caught of the boy was him being detained by two police officers. He looked me in the eyes, clearly seeing the shock in them. Something seemed to change when we locked eyes, like... guilt? Remorse? I don't know, I didn't really see because Erica dragged me away before I could verify the look.


It was now evening. Me and Erica Heath were sitting in a red car outside of an 8-12 (7-11). She wanted to get some cornnuts before we left for the party. 'What party?' you ask? Well, Erica forced me to go to this "popular kids" party with her; said it was "the only chance I had at being popular" and that "it took a long time to get me into this party". So now I have no choice but to go.

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