part 4

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he looked down and started to go to his usual place. He stopped in the very middle of the room (which were my row is)still looking down and slowly, he started to look up to my derection, smirking of the sight of an empty seat beside me. "Error, please sit down" the teacher repeated, his voice getting high. "yes mam" he said again a little bit happy still looking at panicking me. He started to walk towards me as i was calming myself down. Wich felt like slow motion, he sat down beside me putting his bag down before smirking at me.

"Did you just call me mam" the teacher said, raising an eyebrow. His hands on his hips. Errors face turned shocked still looking at me while the other studwnts laugh. I smirk back at him crossing my arms confidently. He slowly turnes his head to look at the teacher and having an apologic face while scratching the back of his head. "Sorry ma- sir" he stuttered making the whole class laugh even louder. "Anyways, let's go back to class" the teacher said taking her chalk as she turned around to write about something

Still thinking of what might happen today, he reaches his foot far from his table knowing he'll try to step on my foot. I move my foot away, and stepping on his. He looks at me, pouting. "Those were new shoes" he said acting like a baby. "Whats better, loosing a shoe or losing a face" i said bringing up my fist still looking at the teacher. He sat properly, and crossed his arms while pouting. "So mean" i heard him mutter. Beside me. I was taking no chances today. Nope. I was not going to get punished nor i will go to detention.

I sat there the whole day error always clicking his pencil. I know that he only wanted to get on my nerves. He was never going to succes again.

I sat there, crossing my arms, ignoring him. He was still clicking his pencil until the teacher turned around from the board to glare at him.

"Error" the teacher said, tapping his foot and crossing his arms. Error looked up, and finnally stopped. He smiled to the teacher.

He sighed to himself, also crossing his arms. "You wont get away with this" he said leaning close to me. I looked at him, and smirked. "In your dreams" i said, looking back to the teacher.

"Ugh" he said, properly sitting now

For the rest of the day, error was completely quiet. Which i never believe what would happen.


As usual, after class, I would still hear that disgusting snore of his. I took my bag and sat up to head out the door, a dirty look on my face.




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