Chapter 3

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I finally reached to the door, closing the door behind me. I washed my face and looked at myself in the mirror. "Freaking Cathy you just had to do that on my first day since years here." I looked down to my clothes, and I was lucky I was wearing almost all black. It was not really obvious that I was spilled by coffee, it just looks like I got wet (don't even think about that boi)

The smell of coffee got all over the bathroom, making me realize I smell like coffee. I ignored it and sighed

I twisted the doorknob and opened the door, hearing the bell of the door, indicating that someone came in. I looked up from the doorknob and like looking into medusas eyes I stood frozen.

I immidatly closed the door, and slowly opened it a bit to peek if that's really him. My jaw hit the ground. It was him! What should I do?! My heartbeat was getting louder. I swear I was going to cry. I completely forgot about him! How can this day get any worse?!

I was still peeking through the small opening of the door. He was with other people. I examined him. He was laughing with the other people with him, I noticed he got taller. I smirked, even if I'm in a situation like this. That shortie finally got taller!

My smirk dropped when he said "sorry guys gotta pee" he smiled at his friends before turning  to my direction. I cursed in my head.I closed the door even before he looked at my direction. My heartbeat was louder than it was before, as I heard footsteps that was getting louder.

Apparently to my luck, there was only one bathroom that was okay with both genders, and to what I know, he has one of those genders!

The footsteps stopped. I guess he's right by the door right now.....

I was planning what I should do. I flinched when he tried to open the locked door. Maybe he'll go away..... I assumed. I just stood there, my back against the door, waiting for him to leave.

I flinched again when more footsteps came, but it was like someone was walking away. I sighed in relief, and opened the door to see a figure there.





I stood completely frozen, looking straight into his chest, *snort* my expression was frozen, too. I suddenly snapped out of it and ran.

I just ran.

I was completely dumb that time, I ran to the door and literally escaped without thinking. When I got outside I just kept running.

I stopped when I went into a quiet street. I face palmed. "Ugh ink why did you run without thinking?!" I scolded myself. "Where did I go?" I held my chin, confused.

I decided to take my phone out and call blueberry.

I contacted her number but again to my luck, no signal. I held it up, no signal. "How can this day get any worse?" I groaned to myself as I put back my phone. I then heard footsteps behind me. Me and my mouth. I slowly started to walk, and walk faster.

I was in the side walk so I was walking fast, realizing the footsteps were gone. God I'm just hallucinating. I turned around and quite a few meters away from me was a figure. As soon as I saw it, without even knowing who or what it is I ran again.

I kept running, and of course, because of my short, weak legs, I got caught.

Someone held me by the wrist, I completely froze, I didn't even bother to look behind me. I wasn't really moving for a few seconds, which was kinda awkward even though this guy might be a stranger.

The person who held me by the wrist tugged my arm making me face them. I ran into their chest, which had no boobs, by the time here I was smart enough to know it was a guy.

The guy still holding on to my wrist, I stepped back a bit, I gazed at nothing, not knowing what to do. God what should I do?! Will I die here?! I can't die yet! I need to graduate before I die! NONONONONONONO what should I-

Then the guy's voice cut my thoughts off.

"You smell like coffee" I blinked for a few times, taking in what he said. It was a familiar voice, but kind of deeper. I looked up,

And I was scared and relieved in the same time. Well, knowing this guy can't kidnap me, because surprisingly, he's not that evil. But the thing is the other me would say this would be the worse case scenario.

He smirked down at me, which gave me chills and anger. First of all, I never thought of him at all when I came back here. I knew when I came here, I had something to worry about, but I can't put my finger on it. But now, I sadly know.

Second of all, why the heck would he follow me here? Such a stalker.

I tugged my hand away.

"Why are you here?" I said coldly at him, crossing my arms. I see him grin from the tip of my eye. "I knew it was you" he bowed down to my level to smirk at me. I realized how close his face was to mine.

I stepped one foot away, avoiding his stinky breath.

"So? What if it wasn't me? Some girl would've thought you were a kidnapper!" I provoked. "Well, I did think you were a guy at first" he innocently said, jolting his back up, and inserted his hand into his pockets.

I ignored him and walked away from the opposite direction.

I can feel him notice me.

"You'll get lost there! That's the opposite direction of where you went!" He raised his voice for me to hear him. I stopped.

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