Chapter 1

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I opened the lights to my old, dusty, house with faint memories washing over my mind. Now that I will live alone here, I guess I gotta have a lot of cleaning to do. I inhaled the rotten scent of some rotten food, immidiatly covering my nose in disgust. A shiver went down my spine, imagining some kind of rat eating me Alive.

I suddenly remember that my old friends are still in the same school we went to, that was a bit near here. It was really a great decision that I told my mom not to sell this house, since I'm going to go to the same school and its near. I decided to call Blue Berry,while still covering my nose.

You know, it was kinda hard risking to text and hold a phone, especially thinking it could fall. I finally called her contact, putting my phone on my ear, sending shiver again down my spine by the phones cold surface. After a few rings, she picked up. "hello?" her soft voice said, that wasn't really soft cuz the call was on speaker me not knowing about it.
"hi, I'm already here-" "OH MY GOSH REALLY OMG OMG OMG YOU'RE BACK!" she squeaked, making me distant my phone from my ear. "what? What's with my back?" I smirked over the phone. "corny as always" she said, still happy. "Hey can you come over-" "COMING!" She screamed, her voice muffled, probably because she threw her phone where only God knows. I ended the call, and putting my home into the pocket of my jeans.

I just decided to explore my house, even if I'm risking to be eaten by some kind of spider. I first went upstairs in my room, which I left a few things with. I remember when I got to China I got so frustrated because I left my recent diary. My dad was chill about it cuz he says it's just a notebook. But I wasn't because I literally have my deepest darkest secrets in it.

And I thought someone would break in the house and read,it and show it to the whole social media.

I somehow became sad going in my room, not just because the dust was all over the place, because there were good memories of my childhood that was here. Ever since I landed in the country, I became sad. I saw very familiar places that I went to during my childhood, some where even not there anymore.

It was somehow different to how I I remembered my room, whenever I thought about my room, it be big, but it got smaller. I remember the desk I used to cry with when I'd do math homework. It's still there. But just a bit dusty. I don't know why, but tears formed in my eyes.

I remember my whole childhood, and I missed it. Well, I'm in the last two years of high school now, nothing much changed. I was still me. But my surroundings changed.

My old bed was still there, it was tinier than I expected. The sheets were gone, and all what's left was a old dusty bed. I looked inside the drawers of my old desk, everytime touching a handle gives me the feels. I found my old diary in the last drawer, (cliche) and I removed the dust with my palm. I read the first few pages and found my old, immature self.

Dear diary,

Today was the first day of school. I hated it. I met a stupid guy called- ugh I'm too annoyed.

Anyways, I made new friends, it wasn't actually that bad.

I leaned on the wall, and read it all.

I ended up tearing up, missing my childhood and how I could've treasured it. I really miss it, but our days are counting off. Just the thought of me and my friends not seeing each other anymore are killing me.

I put the notebook on the drawer, and headed to the room across mine. It was my parent's room, nothing much was there, almost everything was taken, even the bed. The room somehow had a good scent, even if it was all dusty and stuff.

The oonly thing left was my mom's mirror, which i always looked in everytime I went to her room. I looked at myself on the mirror, and looked how much I changedn. I smiled at myself, and remembered how many times I did that to this mirror.

I heard a loud knock that was really familiar, even tho it was basically just a knock. I hurried downstairs. I was really excited to meet blue Berry in person. I opened the door without hesitation, and the bright light made me flinch.

There were two or three people, making me confused. I didn't see that well until I covered the sunlight from my eyes. My eyes widened, and also my lips. They all instantly came in, hugging me really tight.

"I MISSED YOU" Cathy's muffled voice said, that was in the crook of my neck.
"IT FELT LIKE YEARS BEFORE YOU CAME BACK" blueberry said, looking up to me and she was crying with some snot going out of her nose.
"I MISSED YOU" dream said, her voice really louder than ever.

They suddenly stopped moving, and let go of me in the same time while covering their noses. In disgust. "What is that smell?!"

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