Long days equal long nights. Chp. 1

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Long days equal long nights.


"Have a goodnight Tianna!" My boss Tony yelled as I exited the bar 'Tony's Turf' also known as TT's I worked at. I waved back at him. I had just enough time to get home and put Mateo to bed. I rushed to my car as fast as I can remembering how my two best friends Ray and Layla were watching him while I was on my shift.

I hoped in my truck and dug the key in the ignition. I opened the windows as I threw my long wavy strawberry blonde hair in a pony and tore out of the parking lot. I sighed turning down the radio that hummed out soft tunes, and listened to the cool night air the passed by my window.

All that was on my mind lately is my little brother Mateo, and how hard I try to provide for him. I know what you're thinking, and no my parents are not able to support for him. Seeing as they are dead. They died when he was 3 years old, and when I was 18.

My mom Gina and my papa John, they were what people called a match made in heaven. My dad was the big bad boy at his high school. Until he met my mom, she was a fire cracker that he couldn't live without. They graduated, my dad being the big car nut he was, he became a mechanic. Now my mom, she wanted to build houses.

So she decided she wanted to take the architect root. At this time my dad inherited his family's house. It was a huge mostly glass house, my mom went insane with all the decorations and modifying the house. And a few months later. POOF!!! I graced my moms uterus ;) My dad was over the moon when he found out she was pregnant. He always wanted a child, that was another talent of his. He LOVED children!

My mom not so much. She was scared of making mistakes but my dad helped her through everything. Now flash forward a decade and we were still in that house. My life was perfect even at a young age. My dad and all of his brothers took it upon themselves to make me a 'Fighting machine' as my uncle Marty says. Uncle Marty was always my favorite...... he brought me a lot of sweets! So of course he was.

He always called me flame head, thanks to my mom I got Irish hair. Mateo got my fathers hair and my mothers brown eyes. I got my dads grey eyes. And my brother got the insanely curly hair, he attracted all the moms in the daycares when he was a toddler! The look on my fathers face when my mom and I surprised him with the ultrasound pictures, he was so happy! I really wished I caught more memories with a camera.

I was 15 when my brother was born, my mom couldn't get prego for a WHILE....! A whole 15 years!

I pull up to my apartment, and turn off my big truck I took much pride in. I smiled knowing i was going to see my little brother soon. I skipped up the stairs of my apartment building to floor two.

I sped up wanting to see Mateo. I got to my door which was numbered '16'. As soon as I entered the two room flat, I kicked off my sneakers and set my bag down on the little bench we had by the door.

I heard Layla and Mateo's giggles in the living area, so I decided to sneak up on them. MUAHHAHHAHA!!!

I crept towards the door way with an evil grin on my lips. I put my back to the wall and waited for the right moment.

"So Tia runs through the door of the house and falls because all of the cooking spray on the grou-" I jumped out screaming and laughing at all of their faces. Layla grabs Ray and scoots behind him. While Mateo falls off the couch. I laughed really hard!

When Mateo calms down he looks at me with a frown. I giggle.

"TIA YOU SCARED US!" Layla yells, she stands to her full highs of 5'8, towering over my 5'4 body. Ray looked disappointed with me. Mateo runs up to me and gives me a giant hug. I pick him up and spin him knowing it makes him mad.

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