A little trip to the ER Chp. 2

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A little trip to the ER :O (full photos of Tianna's fight outfit next chapter.)



This crazy son of a b*tch! I try to suppress my bleeding leg. Ray looks livid, obviously I can't see his face cause of his black mask. But his body was tense and his fist were balled.

Okay let me fill you in on what happened!


We entered the bar where the fights were held just in time to see two big men fighting. One grabbed the other and smashed their foreheads together, ouch!

The other guy fell to the ground, as the announcer walked into the makeshift ring and grabbed the victors hand. Raising it high as loud drunken yells were heard from just the door.

I shook my head while grabbing rays arm and tanking him to the bartender, Clay. He looked up at me and nodded. We didn't even have to speak, he nodded his head towards a woman taller than me who was wrapping her hands.

She was covered in a pale blue fight gear, and her mask stopped just above her nose. She was beautiful but also rugged looking. I smirked knowing she was going to be a challenge. No like the other pansies I fought before. There was a man sitting beside her looking all mean at me like he had something to say.

I tilted my sugar skull clad head at him, angering him slightly.

"Her names Aquarius, she fought here a couple of times. She's won all of her matches, be careful diablo." Clay looked at me, I shook my head.

"I always am Clay, how much are the bets?" He looked at me with a sick smile.

"All bets are on her, 1000, so you win this. You get the 1k and 200 more for just fighting her." That's the thing I liked about this place they always had guaranteed money. I nodded and headed to my corner in the makeshift ring as soon as I was called.

I popped my back and watched as she staked over heated. She was not mad at me clearly, just her guy friend glaring daggers at me.

I nodded at her showing mutual respect which she gladly returned. Finally someone with heart!!

I tilted my head watching her bounce up and down, she favored her right side meaning she's right handed. And she lead on her left leg before every punch.

I had to take out her leg and knock her out as soon as possible. I don't want to be here all night. So I zoned in as the announcer said our names.

"FIGHT!" He yelled getting out of the way. She immediately lunged, trying to take a jab at my face. I shrugged her punch off knowing it was going to bruise. But it was something I had to take so I could get close to her.

I faked a left and pounded her face with my fist, she tried to knee me but I tucked my arm under her knee and yanked her towards me.

I felt my body reacting on muscle memory, I flung myself on top of her using my whole upper body to put force into a punch to her face. And with that she was out.

I felt bad because she was sincere about fighting and respect in the ring. I heard yells of happiness and disappointment, I smiled wide realizing I had just won this months rent.

I checked her over making sure she was okay before exiting the ring, making my way through the sea of drunk men to ray and my money.

I sat with ray taking about how the fight went down when I heard a crash of glass hitting something I looked up stunned then felt a searing pain in my left high. I looked down to see a broken beer bottle sticking out of my thigh.

I felt red hot rage tear through my body. Ray stood up ready to take on who ever did that to me. I looked up to see the tall man Aquarius was with, but the angry expression in his face earlier was nothing compared to this one, oh if looks could kill!

Ray pounded his face so many times I lost count, when the man was out cold Ray was still hitting him. I knew if I didn't pull him off that man was as good as dead.

I stood up and yelped catching rays attention. He scrambled up to lean my weight on him.

"Take me to San Antonio memorial. Leave me in the car, go i-" I stared getting woozy.

"G-go in and ask for somebody named Dr. Alister, tell him Tia needs help in the car." My mind went hazy and dark, my leg burning is all I remember.


Hope you guys enjoy. Now the actual TC fanfic will start next chapter!

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