Louis & Mackenzie

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Mackenzie walked into the familiar café, the one down the road with the beautiful waterfall and plants hanging from the roof everywhere you looked. She slipped into her usual seat just by the roses which always gave off the sweetest sent and it just completed the perfectly decorated room. The waitress soon popped over and she ordered her usual bacon and eggs with a hot chocolate, just what she needed on a chilly London morning. As she waited for her food to arrive a young lad slipped into a seat on the table next to her and she couldn’t help but stare at his beautiful features. She noticed that he had clearly spent a long time perfecting his light brown hair and that he had the bottoms of his pants rolled up exposing his ankles. Mackenzie had never seen anyone so fit in her life. She had the urge to say something to him but before she could she heard him speak,

“Hey, I’m Louis!” He stated, his beaming smile showed no trace of doubt making him seem clearly very confident.

“I’m Mackenzie!” she replied, starting to feel a little nervous. She had always been pretty shy around boys and she always seemed to mess up her words or stutter every time she spoke to them but this time she was determined to stay strong.

“Mind if I take a seat?” Louis asked. Mackenzie was so surprised by this angel-like boy actually asking to eat with her that she forgot to answer. There was a short silence between the two while Mackenzie tried to compose herself.

“ So.. Can I sit with you?” Louis questioned, “Oh you know don’t worry, you’re probably meeting someone already or something” He began to go sit back down to his original table looking a little embarrassed.

“No, No, No please take a seat,” Mackenzie shot out.                 

“Are you sure?” Louis questioned, clearly quite confused by the whole incident.

“Yes of course babe!” Mackenzie answered, “ I’m sorry I’m just a shy person and I sort of freak out talking to people not to mention extremely fit boys like yourself, it’s honestly so embarrassing” Louis smirked and took a seat across from Mackenzie. Just as he sat down the waitress came over with the food. She placed it on the table and they began to talk about everything and anything. The connection they had was crazy it was like they’d known each other for years.

As they were finishing their breakfast Louis asked

“Do you want to go for a walk in the park?”

“Yes of course, I’d love to” Mackenzie replied, she couldn’t believe how close they were and how easy the conversation was with Louis despite that fact that he was one of the most amazing boys she had ever met.

By now they had walked around the whole park about three times but they were still deep in conversation, like nothing around them was important. They could walk around talking for days on end and still never be bored.

“Why did the mushroom go to the party?” Louis asked, a wide grin forming on his face. Mackenzie could tell this would be another of his cheesy jokes but she went along with it anyway.

“Why Louis?” She asked with a giggle, mimicking the large smile Louis had on his face.

“Because he was a fungi” Louis replied clearly proud of this joke, not matter how cheesy it was and Mackenzie had to admit she did find it a little bit funny. While walking through the park Mackenzie learnt so much about Louis and she couldn’t help but laugh at all his cheesy jokes.

They had stopped by a large fountain in the centre of the park and as they both stood there in silence she could feel Louis getting closer and closer to her by the second. . She closed her eyes and suddenly a set of warm lips crashed against hers. Sparks were flying like crazy and Mackenzie was so surprised by the unfamiliar feelings she was experiencing. She had kissed guys before but it had never felt this way, the feeling was indescribable. Their lips moved together in complete unison and it was the most incredible thing they had both experienced in their lives. As they pulled away from each other Mackenzie couldn’t stop her self from smiling like an idiot but once she realised Louis had the exact same, stupid smile on his face she felt slightly more comfortable. Mackenzie didn’t really know what to do but luckily Louis began to speak,

“Wow, that was, that was amazing” he stuttered. Knowing Louis had felt the same way about the kiss made Mackenzie really excited.

“So, Can we catch up again sometime?” Mackenzie asked. Louis smiled and quickly replied.

“You really think I’d let you get away after that?” Louis joked “How about I pick you up tomorrow morning? We can go to the beach and then have dinner at a restaurant on the pier or something if you’d like”

“That sounds amazing” Mackenzie replied. Her cheeks were beginning to get cramped from all the smiling she had been doing today and she had a feeling she’d be doing a lot more if she continues to see Louis. They exchanged details and both headed home for the night.

As Mackenzie lay in bed she couldn’t help but think how amazing the time she had spent with Louis had been. It had been almost five years since they had first met at the little café down the street and she couldn’t think of one time when she had, had a bad time with him. He was perfect!

——————- *3 Years Later* ——————-

Mackenzie saw her beautiful boyfriend standing there by the fountain, the one in which they had shared their first kiss and she couldn’t fight the urge to run up and kiss him again just like they had just three years ago. She ran over and pressed her lips onto his as she felt strong arms wrap around her waist. This is what she loved, the moments where nothing else in the world mattered as long as she had Louis in her arms. As they pulled apart from the passion filled kiss they were both smiling like idiots just as they had a few years ago. Louis suddenly bent down on one knee and pulled a small box out of his jacket pocket. Mackenzie stood there about to cry, she was so happy but she couldn’t believe this was happening. She stood there shaking like crazy, holding back the tears of joy. Louis stared up into Mackenzie’s beautiful Hazel eyes waiting for the perfect moment to ask her the question. A tear streamed down her face and Louis decided that it was time,

“Mackenzie, Will you do the honour in becoming my wife?” Louis asked. He was clearly nervous, Mackenzie could tell by his expression but she didn’t see why he was so worried he was sure to know what her answer would be.

“ Of course I will Louis!” Mackenzie couldn’t help it she burst into tears, pulling Louis into a tight hug. They shared a long passionate kiss before breaking apart and literally skipping off back to their apartment to spend the rest of their lives together.


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