Brinna & Harry :)

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I was at my first 1D concert in California, my hometown. I had been waiting so long to finally see them live. Ever since I had bought the tickets with my friend Audrey we had been counting down the months, days and weeks. Now it was just hours till they were going to be right there in front of us singing. I’ve always had a crush on the adorable curly haired boy Harry. He just seems so relative to me and I feel like we have so much in common.

As I was about to walk out the door I realized that I might need a notebook just in case I could catch the boys for an autograph or something although I had very slim chance because the security would be so tight. When I finally got to the concert hall, after 2 hours of driving, my friend Audrey was waiting outside for me and as we were running a little bit late we began to sprint through the gates. We walked into the arena just as the opening video began to play, a sigh of relief escaping out lips. The concert was absolutely amazing, even better than I expected. I spent the whole night dancing like crazy, screaming and singing along with the five magnificent boys on stage. Even time I remembered that they were actually there on stage and that there was no computer screen in between us I become just that much more excited. Every time Harry sung a solo I got shivers up my spine, he was even better live. I felt so close to the boys, yet still so far away.


A few minutes before the concert ended Audrey and I headed out the doors and down a little path to try and get into the backstage area. There was security literally everywhere and I’m not going to lie I was pretty scared to be sneaking around and my mum would certainly kill me if she found out but I didn’t really care, I needed to meet these boys. We made it through a small hallway and we were surprised to find that we had already gotten into the backstage area but before we could even begin to celebrate two built up men wrapped their arms around us and they certainly did not look happy.


Just as security was about to remove us from the concert hall Harry and the boys walked done the corridor. I froze, Harry looked at me, his beautiful blue-green eyes seemed to be staring right into my soul. He came over while the other boys were signing autographs for fans who had won backstage passes.

“Why are you removing these girls?” He asked the security guard. The security guard told him that we snuck in but Harry didn’t seem to care. He told Audrey to go say hi to the other four perfect boys and he asked me to stay with him for a second, while shooing the security guard away. I smiled at him awkwardly and he asked me,

“Why did you girls sneak in?” I smiled at him awkwardly.

“Umm I guess we’ve just really wanted to meet you guys for like ever and I’m so so so sor-” I replied before he stopped me. He said that he found it really sweet that we cared so much to risk getting arrested just to meet him and the boys. He also told me that they had to go meet the winners of the backstage passes now so he had to leave but before he left I quickly asked for an autograph and a picture. He wrote it out saying…


“ To Brina, I love you! Thank you so much for being such a dedicated and loyal fan to us, it honestly means the world. We’d be nowhere without fans like you!

 Lots of Love, Harry Styles”


I saw him finish writing so I attempted to grab the notebook back off him but he continued writing. I stood there quite confused. When he finally handed the notebook back to me I noticed there was a phone number written neatly in the bottom corner of the sheet.

“That’s my number babe, call me sometime. You seem really nice and I would love to take you to dinner sometime.”

“That would be great” I replied back with a huge grin. Then I asked for a picture with him before he had to leave. I took out my iPod Touch and just as I snapped the picture he turned his face and kissed my cheek. I was shocked to say the least; Harry Styles had just given me his number and kissed me on the cheek. I was trying my hardest to keep the fangirling to a low as I didn’t want to look like another crazy fan in front of Harry but I couldn’t hold it in any longer, a tear rolled out of my eye and then they just kept coming. Harry pulled me in for a tight hug and to be honest this only made the tear fall faster, I couldn’t handle all the amazing things that had happened in just a few minutes. Being wrapped in Harry’s arms felt incredible, he was so warm and muscly and boy did he smell amazing but I knew he had to get going so I pulled away from him and shot him a quick smile.


A security guard called out for Harry to go over to meet the competition winners and as he began to walk off he left he mouthed a quick call me paired with an adorable, flirty wink. 

Harry walked off down the hall I ran straight over to Audrey with tears streaming down my face. I know I looked like an idiot but I had just met Harry freaking Styles and he gave me his number and told me to call him. We both stood there crying before getting told that we had to go back into the public area of the arena. Audrey and I left the arena that night with extremely smudged make-up and red, puffy eyes because of all the crying we had been doing. Everything had just been too perfect. I was so thankful that I had gotten to meet Harry tonight; it was honestly the best experiences of my life!! 



The next day at around 2:45, I called the number Harry had given me and he quickly answered.

”Hello?” Why did his voice have to be so perfect?

“Hi Its Brina from last night… do you remember me?” I said, really hoping he did.

”Of course! I’m so glad you called!!” He replied cheerfully

“I’m really sorry about last night I probably looked like such an idiot in front of you and you probably wont even want to go out with me anymore because I’d be such an embarrassment but last night was just so perfect, meeting you and everything.” I blurted out not really thinking about what I was saying. Harry chuckled quietly and replied in a sweet, gentle voice,

“Would you like to go out to dinner tonight around 6:30?” I was so happy to hear that he hadn’t changed him mind about asking me out and I think I got a little bit too excited as the tears began to stream down my face again. I tried my best to contain myself and managed to reply within a few second

“Yes. I would love to.”

“Ok, meet me at Luigi’s at 6:30, don’t be late.” He stated with a slight mocking tone at the end part.

“Ok I’ll see you there!” I replied in a sweet yet clearly enthusiastic voice.


When I got to the restaurant Harry was already waiting inside with a dozen red roses placed on the table. Did he really go to that much trouble for me? This boy was honestly so sweet. He stood up when he saw me walk in and as I walked over to him I couldn’t help but stare into his beautiful eyes, they were perfect and I felt that I could stare into them for days without getting tired of them. I was forced to stop staring into his eyes and Harry pulled me into a tight hug. He gave me the roses and said with a lush voice he said,

“Your beautiful love”. He kissed me on the lips, softly and slow. As our lips parted I could wipe the smile off of my face. It was only a short peck but it was honestly the most amazing thing I had experienced in my life. 

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