Chap 16 (Ghost Hunting Part 2)

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"Stop the car Flug, we're here." Black Hat barked. The car was parked in front of a large, desolate wooden house that somehow looked even more depressing than Black Hat's.Black Hat stepped out of the car with Y/n and Dr Flug following suit, and inhaled deeply. "Great place, isn't it?" He chuckled wickedly and bared his sharp teeth at Flug, who pulled his gloves tighter and was visibly sweating. As they walked, Y/n stared at the house, which seemed quite sturdy but was still in slight ruin from the years of neglect. All the blinds inside were shut tight, making the place seem more mysterious. It also didn't help that the house was surrounded with a dreary fog and a large, dark, foreboding forest. The sky was completely engulfed in thick clouds which were as grey as the traces of human bones found on the ground.

"Y/n, if you will." Black hat pointed to the door as they reached the front porch. "Aye, Black Hat." Y/n replied as she tried turning the door knob, only for it to fall down with a loud "thud". "This place sure is old..." Y/n said as she stared at Teh door and looked up. "W-what's in there?" Dr Flug peered cautiously behind her. "Woah..." Y/n gasped softly as she stepped inside.

The interior of the house was surprisingly neat and clean enough even though it was still slightly dusty, with silence and the overwhelming stench of death engulfing the entire house. The entrance was connected to a large living room, with several plush sofas, armchairs and a coffee table in the middle, and there were stairs that led to many rooms above, kind of like a dormitory. Bullet holes, scratch marks, and even large bloodstains were found on the walls and the furniture in the living room, all clearly signs of a vicious fight before. "Come on, we haven't got all day!" Black Hat said as he pushed Dr Flug inside roughly, which got him so startled that he jumped up with fright. Black Hat began to scrutinise the place. "The spiritual presence is extremely strong here..." He flicked his tongue as his eyes narrowed with deep concentration. "It'll be a major haul." Black Hat said out loud as he chuckled ominously.

"BANG!" Just then, the trio looked back and noticed that the door on the ground had reattached itself to the frame and had essentially blocked their exit. "Well well well, look who's here!" A loud, booming, female voice bellowed throughout the living room. The trio stood in a circle and got into position, as Y/n and Dr Flug immediately gripped onto their ghost bottles tightly. "Look, you pathetic huskless twots, just save us the time, tell us where your treasure is, and be my underlings, before I MAKE YOU!" Black Hat's tone became menacing as his visible eye glowed a dangerous green.

"Hmph, you sure are polite!" The voice echoed sarcastically. "Still, let's entertain our guests, shall we, people?" As if on cue, the doors from all over the house banged open, and people began to step into the living room. "Wait..... t- those aren't people...." Dr Flug quivered in cold sweat as his goggles eyes grew wide. "They're...... zombies?!" Y/n yelled out in great horror, as corpses crawled out from the rooms, the kitchen, and even the sofas, and they began to encircle the trio.

"Not quite, silly~" The deep female voice cackled. "They're what's left of those previous idiots who decided to trespass our abode like you three! We just, what's the word.... recycled them, that's all! AHAHAHAAAA!" Y/n gritted her teeth and tried to keep her cool as the corpses, all armed with knives and guns, advanced towards them, revealing their appearances in horrifyingly graphic detail. Some had pale, clammy skin, some were nearly half skeleton with missing limbs and rotten peeling skin, and some were even completely skeletal. But they all had a strong grip on their weapons with malicious looks on what's left of their faces. "They're tougher than they look...." Y/n whispered, clenching her fist.

"But not tough enough!" Black Hat growled as his voice became more hellish. "Y/n, Flug, go deal with the ghosts and collect them with the bottles! I'll sort out the rest!" With that, Black Hat rushed off and morphed into a tall, menacing Monster, with extra limbs having long razor sharp claws. With a mighty swipe of his clawed hands, he sent the corpses flying to the walls, knocking them out and forcing the ghosts out of them. "Go take them out gang, sooner or later we'd kill them and possess their bodies as well!" The voice howled in laughter as the bodies charged forward.

Without hesitation, Y/n stepped forward and opened her ghost bottle, causing a suction force to suck the ghost gang members in captivity. "This seems cool." Y/n thought to herself. Just then, she saw another corpse rushing forward and swinging a Sabre at her, only to be stopped by Dr Flug's feeble punch from behind. The corpse looked back, unamused. He inched forward aggressively. "U-um, stay back....." Dr Flug stepped back nervously, only to be forced into a tight corner. "Help! Somebody!" Dr Flug cried out, as the corpse Swung the Sabre down, only for it to be kicked away by Y/n , who punched him out cold. Just as Dr Flug was about to thank her in the midst of his tears, Y/n passed her bottle to him. "Flug, I'm gonna fight them and force the ghosts out, so just try to suck them into the bottles, and don't die." She patted him hard on the shoulder before sprinting away towards the approaching gang of possessed dead bodies.

"Hope this'll be a good battle!" Y/n yelled out as she felt adrenaline surge through her veins, prompting her to fight on.

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