Maritime Signal Flags

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These flags are used at sea for communication between ships. They can spell out short messages, and individual flags and various combinations of flags also have special meanings. On ceremonial and festive occasions the signal flags are used to 'dress' (decorate) ships.

This signalling system was drafted in 1855 and published in 1857, and was gradually adopted by most seafaring countries. It was revised in 1932.


One-flag signals are urgent or very common signals (see meanings below)Two-flag signals are mostly distress and maneuvering signalsThree-flag signals are for points of the compass, relative bearings, standard times, verbs, punctuation, also general code and decode signalsFour-flags are used for geographical signals, names of ships, bearings, etcFive-flag signals are those relating to time and positionSix-flag signals are used when necessary to indicate north or south or east or west in latitude and longitude signalsSeven-flags are for longitude signals containing more than one hundred degrees.

One-flag signals are urgent or very common signals (see meanings below)Two-flag signals are mostly distress and maneuvering signalsThree-flag signals are for points of the compass, relative bearings, standard times, verbs, punctuation, also genera...

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Special meanings of individual flags

a (alpha) = Diver Down; Keep Clear
b (bravo) = Dangerous Cargo
c (charlie) = Yes
d (delta) = Keep Clear
e (echo) = Altering Course to Starboard
f (foxtrot) = Disabled
g (golf) = Want a Pilot
h (hotel) = Pilot on Board
i (india) = Altering Course to Port
j (juliet) = On Fire; Keep Clear
k (kilo) = Desire to Communicate
l (lima) = Stop Instantly
m (mike) = I Am Stopped
n (november) = No
o (oscar) = Man Overboard
p (papa) = About to Sail
q (quebec) = I Request
r (romeo) = (The way is off my ship. You may feel your way past me)
s (sierra) = Engines Going Asternt (tango) = Keep Clear of Me
u (uniform) = You are Standing into Danger
v (victor) = Require Assistance
w (whiskey) = Require Medical Assistance
x (x-ray) = Stop Your Intention
y (yankee) = Am Dragging Anchor
z (zulu) = Require a Tug

Sample text


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England expects that every man will do his duty.
- this was the signal sent by Admiral Horatio Nelson on 21 October 1805 from his flagship HMS Victory just before the Battle of Trafalgar began.

Ps:Kung saan saan na ko napupunta amp.😂

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