4 and More

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Brooke's POV
The lights went out. I have been in this torture house for 4 nights. Already I had my little sister dead. I wonder who the murderer is this time. I run out of my room. I do a aerial to warm myself up. I run into a room which was like a bathroom. I find a tiny cupboard. You would think I couldn't fit bit I'm so flexible I squeezed in.

JoJo's POV
Im hidden in a cupboard in the kitchen. I breathe heavily. Im so scared. I could be dead at any moment.

Ellianas POV
I hide in the cupboard in the basement. I'm scared. Someone is going to die.

Kendall's POV
I walk through the house. I can't find a place to hide. The floors underneath me creak. Dust flies everywhere. I sneeze and instantly cover my mouth. I can't be seen or heard. All of a sudden I hear a scream and the lights turn back on. I run to the kitchen Jojo lays there dead. Kalani is next to her crying. I wait a few minutes but only Nia me and Kalani and JoJo's dead body were in that room. I decide to find the other girls. I run to a bathroom like room. Brooke laid there dead with all the other girls surrounding her. Omg. Two died.
"Nia, Kalani"I screamed so loud. They ran in after a few seconds.
"Jojo and Brooke both died."I scream.
"Omg"Chloe shouts. This is stupid.

It all Ends NOW (Dance Moms)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ