Feeling unwell!

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The next morning Erika woke up feeling horrible with a painful headache and tummy ach so she was crying hoping it would stop but it didn't she knew everyone was awake because of the noise so she put a pillow over her head to block out the noise. In the lounge-room everyone was just having breakfast and chilling when Jake said where is Erika? And at that moment everyone stopped what they were doing and looking up and just looked at each other and said maybe sleeping still you should check up on her and Jake said yeah I will do that, so he walked up the stairs to Erika's room and knocked and Erika said come in and so he did and saw her looking pale and said hey how are you feel? And they made eye contact and Erika said a feeling horrible today so Jake made his mission to look after her and make her feel better again. When Jake said he would look after her she said you don't have to and he said its fine, he got some panidol, some fruit salad orange juice and water.
After eating they watched some Netflix at his laptop.While watching Erika fall a sleep so Jake turned off the laptop and kissed Erika on the forehead and fell asleepb too into dream land. They woke up from there sleep and went to see where everyone was some people were in the kitchen and the rest were in the office,so Jake decided to make pasta for everyone he got all the ingredients out and got started. Once he was finished he called all of team 10 for dinner when everyone came down they were shocked that Jake cooked dinner but it was very kind of him to do that, so everyone tu to the table to have some pasta. After everybody finished they all thanked Jake for dinner and just chilled out. He washed the dishes and while doing them Erika asked if she can help and he said sure so both of them got to it. At about 12.30am everyone got ready for bed Jake walked Erika to bed and tucked her in and made should if she needed anything before she went to bed and she said no I'm all good thanks for looking after me today and they hugged then he walked to his room and fell asleep straight away.

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