I Couldn't Stop The Tears

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Harry's POV

I kept on staring at her with my wide eyes.

I never expected to see her here.

The lads were beside me while I was standing there speechless.

I was concentrated on the girl who broke my heart years ago.

She was sitting in front of me right now.

Destiny? So cheesy, I know.

Her hair was brunette instead of black now.

It was way longer than before.

I could see that she still has a big appetite making me chuckle about how slim and fit she is.

Her face was pale when she noticed me.

There were three people eating with her, which was her friends I guess. .

I thought that two of them were together and the other guy was with Otto.

My heart broke thinking about Otto being with another guy that wasn't me.

My hands began to sweat. "C-Can we talk?" I asked full of hope. "Alone?"

She didn't say anything.

She looked like she just saw her worst nightmare.

Which was me.

I didn't know if I did something to make her look so scared of me.

She was the one who broke up with me.

She finally replied with a small nod.

I sigh in a little relief before I gave her my hand so she could take it, but she didn't.

Just like the first time we met at the hotel.

I pulled my hand back, feeling rejected and hurt.

I walked out of the Bafe with Otto following me close behind.

I stopped walking when we were finally alone.

Otto was looking down while she was playing with her fingers.

I knew that she was nervous whenever she does that.

I find it adorable.

My two fingers met her chin and lifted it so she could look at me in the eyes.

But she tried her best to not meet my green eyes while I stared at her full of hurt.

"Otto. Please look at me in the eyes."

Her eyes stopped roaming around and it was now looking at my face, but not at my eyes.

She was looking at my nose instead.



Autumn's POV

I looked at his face, but I was too scared to look into his eyes.

There were too much emotions revealed in them and I can't bare.

I just stared at his nose instead.

I heard that if you look at someone's nose, they will think that you're looking at their eyes.

I just hope it works.

"My eyes Otto. Not my nose." Harry chuckled.

Is it that noticeable?

I hesitantly looked into his green eyes.

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