Damn Those Dimples!

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Autumn's POV

I explained towards Harry that I lost my memory.

I knew that Niall told me not to talk to him and avoid him, but I wanted to know the whole truth.

Why am I suppose to avoid him?

What am I keeping him safe from?

Who was this guy?

"Can I ask you questions?" I hesitantly said.

Harry nodded directly.

His voice sounded just like the deep British guy that often comes to visit me, but I wasn't sure.

"First.. Are you the guy that likes to say sorry when I was out?" He nodded as he blushed.

Wait , so he's the guy who kissed me and made my heart pumped like crazy?

"Who are you? I mean.. In my life. Like.. Are you a close friend of mine, or my.." I was going to say boyfriend, but I was too scared to find out for some reason.

I didn't know why, but I had a feeling.

"Your x-boyfriend." He finished my sentence making my eyes widen in shock.

"Unfortunately." He added again full of pain.

Is that why Niall told me to avoid him.

Maybe he broke my heart before.

But why did he say that it would protect him.

"Why do I need to protect you?" I suddenly blurted out.

Harry's eyebrows narrowed full of confusion.

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

I told him everything about what Niall told me the first day I woke up.

All about avoiding him because he wanted me to protect him and all.

I could see Harry's knuckles turning white.

His face was turning tomato red because of anger.

His veins were popping out on his neck and arms.

Suddenly, he grabbed sleeping Niall by the collar making him wake up from his slumber.

Niall's face was in shocked.

Harry pushed him against the wall and began to shout at him.

"Why did you tell her to avoid me!? Huh!?" He spat at him face.

I was terrified.

Niall glanced at me, then back at Harry as he didn't answer Harry's question.

I should have done something like stop Harry or something, but I couldn't.

I just froze in my place.

I also wanted to know the truth-answer.

I was covered in white sheets while I was trembling.

"Cause I was selfish. I wanted her for my own and I also wanted you safe!" Niall spat back at Harry.

I could see Harry's grip on his collar getting tighter.

He laid a punch on his soft cheek.

Niall spitted out some blood making me whimper.

I never like seeing blood.

I think.

"Ass Whole! ... What do you mean safe!?" Harry shouted back.

"Rick! Autumn was supposed to break up with you because she wanted to protect you. Rick said if she doesn't, he would kill you!" He panted in the end.

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