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A THUMP CAME FROM underneath the table, followed by Rin making a groaning noise and rubbing her head as she came up from the red tablecloth, placing the fork that had fallen off the table when Jeongguk tried to collect the dishes that were practic...

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

A THUMP CAME FROM underneath the table, followed by Rin making a groaning noise and rubbing her head as she came up from the red tablecloth, placing the fork that had fallen off the table when Jeongguk tried to collect the dishes that were practically licked clean by Kodi. "Are you okay?" He asks, and struggles to balance the plates he was resting between his chest and arm. "I'm okay, just feeling a little pain." Rin chuckles and reaches for his left hand that he held out for her. A muffled laugh comes from Kodi, his soy sauce covered hands over his mouth. "Hey," Rin furrows her eyebrows, "why are you laughing?" Kodi removes his hands and smiles. "You held daddy's hand!" Rin shot him a look and Kodi cut off his laughter. "Anyway, I think it's time for desert," Jeongguk says in hopes of clearing the tension in the air, "I'll be right back." He coughs.

Other than Rin stumbling over her words a few times and Kodi dropping food on his clothes even though he had a napkin on his lap and tucked into his shirt, dinner had gone smoothly. In all honesty, Jeongguk had really enjoyed dinner. For a period of time, Rin and Kodi totally forgot he was there, and they just laughed and played with each other until the sound of Jeongguk's phone camera went off and they stopped to look at him, a blush washing over his cheeks. He had learned a lot about Kodi's relationship with Rin, and Jeongguk understood why they were so close.

The first reason was, Rin was a girl; Kodi totally loved girls. Whenever they were walking down the street to the market and a girl came up to them to pinch Kodi's cheeks, he got giddy around them and kept latching onto their arms and such, trying to befriend them. Secondly,—Jeongguk even admits this to himself—Rin was pretty. She was pretty in a cute, natural type of way, which made Kodi like her even more. And third, it was easy for them to converse. No matter what Kodi wanted to talk about, Rin had a reply to offer. She kept the conversation going even if it was about dinosaur toys or how his potty training was going. Jeongguk enjoyed watching them be in their own friendship bubble, but his heart broke a little when he started to imagine Sora in Rin's place, and they'd all be a family again, enjoying dinner and growing closer together.

Jeongguk shook the image of Sora laughing and kissing Kodi's cheek and holding his own hand across the table as he pushes the kitchen door open. He sets the dishes in the sink and washes his hands to retrieve the cake from the fridge. "How's your date going?" He hears as he starts to cut into the chocolatey cake, placing the slices onto paper plates instead. "It's not a date," he smiles at Franny who sits at the counter placed in the middle of the kitchen space. "Are you sure about that?" She squints her eyes and dips her finger into the slice Jeongguk placed in front of her. He nods and gives her a small smile as she looks down at the cake, probably contemplating whether to eat it or not. Jeongguk wasn't an idiot. When he walked in with Rin and met Franny's eyes, he knew she was sad about it because her eyes quickly left his and she rushed off to sit her party of six at a booth, not looking back at him.

FRENCH.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن