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" Sometimes it's the smallest decisions that can change your life forever. "


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November 21, 2000

The sterile scent of the room absolutely disgusted Vienna Chambers. It reminded her too much of a hospital.

She sat on a cold, metal examination table, slightly swinging her legs that hung off the edge. Her hands were clasped together in her lap as she waited for the doctor to return. Vienna took in her surroundings.

It looked like a standard doctor's office; posters of the human anatomy adorning the walls, clear jars lining the counter filled with all sorts of things, and the red needle waste disposal above the small trashcan next to the door.

There was a soft knock at the door before it slowly opened to reveal a tall woman. Her light hair was twisted back into a neat bun and her brown eyes were framed behind square glasses. Even though she looked professional, there was a relaxed aura to her.

"Hello, Ms. Chambers," The woman greeted, her lips twisting into a warm smile. "I'm Dr. Brooks. I would like to thank you again for volunteering to do this." Vienna nodded, staying somewhat quiet. "Before I start, are there any questions that you have?"

Vienna shook her head, already knowing everything that she needed to because of the video they had shown the volunteers before they went to their given rooms. The woman would admit, she was nervous, but she was mostly doing the procedure for the money she would receive afterwards.

She thought back to the day she had received an e-mail from the head of the Oscorp Industries. It had read that she had the chance to be one of the few individuals to test their new serum, which Vienna hadn't bothered to read about. Her focus was too focused on the fact that they were offering to give money.

The woman who had introduced herself as Dr. Brooks turned to the counter and Vienna watched as she readied her equipment.

Vienna looked down at her stomach, which had an obvious baby bump. A sudden feeling of guilt washing over her. Yes, she knew that there was a child resting inside of her womb and yes, she knew that there was a possibility of said child surviving, but, there was a bigger chance of it not surviving.

She shook the thought from her head as the doctor turned back to her, an alcohol wipe in her hand. "I'm going to clean the area first, okay? It's just a wipe." Vienna nodded, rolling her sleeve up to her shoulder so the woman could get better access to her bicep. The wipe was cold, but it was over soon enough. Dr. Brooks turned back to the counter to grab the syringe before swiveling back around to Vienna.

"I'm just going to put this in your arm," The woman said, looking at the woman on the table, who nodded. Vienna looked away, starting at one of the posters on the wall that was titled "The Skeletal System". There was a quick pinch in her arm before it was over. "All done," Dr. Brooks said, throwing the needle into the red waste disposal basket. When she pivoted back to Vienna, she had a band-aid in hand.

About five minutes later, Vienna was back to her car, about to pull out of the Oscorp Industries parking lot.

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[550 words]

there's gonna be a second part soon buuuuuut i l o v e tom holland and i l o v e peter parker sooooo i'm writing my own storyyyy :)

champions ; p.p. | BOOK 1 |Where stories live. Discover now