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"you never know how important something is until you almost lose it."


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Exactly ninety-eight hours had passed since Verona had passed out, and Peter had not left her side since. Tony had gone ahead and told both of their Aunts that they would be "working a little longer than expected". He had already tried to reason with Peter on going home, but the boy wouldn't budge. He was one stubborn kid.

Verona had been staying on the medical floor in the Avenger's tower. Tony wouldn't admit it, but he cared for the girl. Even though she hadn't been around long, he could easily say that she was like the daughter he never had.

Peter had fallen asleep, his face on the bed while Verona's smaller hand rested in his. He was staying in the room across from her's, but he fell asleep in her room every night since they arrived.

He wanted to be the first person she saw when she woke up.

The boy was also afraid to leave her. He couldn't bare to think of more pain coming to her.

Pete was woken up by a nurse coming back in to do the nightly routine. He sat back in his chair, getting on his phone. He noticed the texts from Ned but ignored them, running his hand through his hair with a sigh. He let his eyes trail back over to Verona. Her normally caramel skin was pale and her dark hair was slightly matted down. Tony had told Peter that she would be fine, but he couldn't help but worry.

He turned her hand over in his, cupping his other hand around it. "Don't worry, Peter." The nurse said, putting a hand on his shoulder as she passed by him. "She's improving a whole lot faster than anticipated." He sent her a weary smile as she left the room, letting it fall into a frown as he looked back at Verona.

"You need to wake up soon," He mumbled to her. "We're missing a lot of school." He chuckles, a ghost of a smile on his lips. "And I miss you. . ." He laid his forehead on his cupped hands, closing his eyes. "Please, wake up."

☆  ☆  ☆

Peter had once again fallen asleep to the steady beeping of Verona's heart monitor, her hand still in his. He dreamed about the fight and when he found Ver in a puddle of her own blood, gasping for air.

Sunlight flooded through a crack in the blinds, shining directly into Peter's eyes, causing him to groan. He slowly opened his eyes, blinking against the harsh light. He let go of Verona's hand, stretching his arms above his head as he felt his stomach grumble.

Peter dismissed himself from the room, gently closing the door behind him. He walked down the hallway, making his way to the cafeteria that was on the same floor which was very convenient.

Once he made it to the line, he ordered a slice of pizza and a fruit cup. He picked a table in the corner of the room, picking at his food. His mind was still on Verona.

He honestly didn't know how he didn't figure Silver's true identity out sooner. They were both a bit careless when it came to hiding their identities, especially him.

Pete's thoughts were interrupted by the clicking of shoes against the tile floor. He looked up to see Tony Stark, the bruises and cuts on his face still visible. "Hey, kid." He said, sitting down across from him.

"Hi, Mr. Stark." He flipped a piece of pineapple over with his fork, looking back down at the fruit cup.

"So," He said, tapping on the table. "I really suggest you go back home," He said bluntly, staring at Peter through his glasses.

"You've already tried this before," Pete scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief. "I've already said that I'm not leaving until Verona gets better." He felt the rage building up in his chest, but he pushed it down.

"That could take forever!" The man said, his anger getting the best of him. The teenager looked up, stabbing the pineapple with his fork. "I'm sorry–"

"What do you mean that could take forever?" He paused, his eyebrows scrunching together. He felt his stomach drop, both sadness and anger overtaking him. "The nurse said–"

"I know what the nurse said," Tony interrupted him, sighing. "What I'm saying is, is she's in perfectly good health. Her wound is almost completely healed, and her blood levels are back to normal." He glanced down at the boy's destroyed pizza. "She should be awake by now."

The boy stood up, grabbing his plate. He walked over to the trash can, discarding the destroyed plate. "Kid, come on. . ."

"No," He mumbled. "I'm going to see her." They rounded the corner, Stark following Pete. Verona's room came into view and Peter noticed that the door was open.

What Peter saw caused him to gasp.

Verona was sitting up in bed, looking at the nurse that stood by her side. Tony entered the room, a smile spreading on his lips when he saw the girl sitting up.

Her mocha eyes met Peter's, causing his shocked face to turn into a bright smile. It was the happiest Tony had seen him since Verona was admitted.

"Verona!" He exclaimed, his voice full of joy. He bounded forward, wrapping her in a hug, but she didn't return the action. Her face morphed into one of confusion as he buried his face into her neck.

"I think you're suffocating her, kid." Tony said, pulling him off of her. He offered her a smile, patting her shoulder. "It's good to have you back."

"This is super nice and all," She said, her hands fidgeting with the white blanket that covered her. She looked up shyly at the two men. "But who are you?"

☾  ☾  ☾

[968 words]
oof big cliffhanger but THATS IT FOR BOOK 1 !!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING !! book 2 will be called "Legacy" & it'll be based off of homecoming yaaaaaa thanks for all the support guys <3

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