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Lost is what i see in your eyes. Confusion is what i see in your smile .. Yet an innocent soul put through hell for an unknown reason .
As a young woman you may ask yourself why choose me ?? God only puts his strongest women through the war so pay close attention to what i mention.

When a white rose appears in front of your eyes you can't trust the same amount of beauty will be laying inside.  That is good but yet you go for it anyways , you was blinded by the beauty that slided off the peddles of the  white rose.
What about a red rose? Will you go for the battle even tho everyone saw the red rose ? Or because it is ugly and way to plane ? Or if the velvet red dosent shine as bright as snow whites lips ? No you just walk away cus it seems like a waste and hurt .
You didn't know this but the red rose was the one you needed . you got hurt from the white rose ,it played you.
You feel stupid , you where so sure it would be so pure but it wasn't you thought the red rose was bad because of its appearance you are now a stronger warrior .
But will you go for the same thing ? Now it is your turn just make sure you don't fuck up sometimes you pick your own battles.

~ the words of a poet

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