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hey it's a ghost . a sad lonely one , even though I'm not physically alone i am mentally . school is coming up and hate is already balling up inside of me . I have a serious problem of getting attatched to the wrong things . I don't know why I do it , my heart does it to my brain, attempts with another soul that obviously dosen't want me . my brain said'' go away'' but I am also a hopeless romantic , I have so much hope in love yet I'm so depressed lol. But that's just half the reason I do not belong in this society.

society where a girl is raped because she no longer has her father to protect her at night . society where a young girl is molested by her mothers drunk boyfriend because the way she laid across her bed while she was sleep. It's still her fault.

society where if a female starts to like another female they are an abomination to this country . But even worse to here parents . YOU ARE GODS DAUGHTER ! blasting through her ears , but did society ever give her a chance to discover her own religion? I guess not .

society where a dark skin is an ''Oreo'' because she has white friends , or likes Starbucks . You know what's worse? A dark skin girl outside her slumber with her natural fro that her mother loved so much and some sick person going up to her and bullying her because her hair texture doesn't match your standards .

society where you poor your heart out to a soul and they don't take you serious , or even worse think your lying . Now that feeling hurts , but you know what's even worse the person that you love dearly lying to you .

this is some of the hell of this society I observe and go through . I am an observing person ..the ghost, the abomination ,the hopeless romantic and that girl that didn't have her dad to protect her . Don't ever question why I wanna leave this society ever . And when my ghost finally leaves smoke some trees and relax in the breeze then think to yourself before you hurt someone , ''SOCIETY'' .

words of a poet.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora