Chapter 4: Waterfall of Tears

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Everything from the other night had been a blur of training and devastation for Pidge, so she wasn't too surprised when she woke up with a blanket on top of her and no memory of getting one.

She knew that if she didn't go out today that everyone would be suspicious. She got changed into her usual baggy sweater and shorts, and washed her face of the tears tracks before heading out bare footed. Her heart felt even heavier then it had when she'd gotten news of her mum.

It was a struggle, but before she entered the kitchen she managed to put on a small smile. "Hey guys."

Everyone was already there having lunch, but when she entered they all turned to her and gave her a smile as they greeted her.

But something was off, their eyes held pity and Pidge was quick to notice. Her eyes skimmed over everyone looking for an explanation before she realised what'd happened.

She tried to fight the tears but soon they were welling in her eyes, she couldn't blink them back so instead she glared at Keith through them. "I told you it was nothing Keith, you didn't have to go and tell everyone."

"Pidge we are just worried, we looked at the timer for the gladiators and you were there for seven hours." Allura tried to say as softly as possible, but it just caused the icy hand of grief to tighten its grip around Pidge.

"I couldn't sleep." The green paladin spoke through gritted teeth, her tears threatening to fall to her cheeks.

"Pidge you can't pretend nothing happened, you can talk to us." Shiro urged, noticing the tears.

"It's nothing." Pidge gritted her teeth, her tears beginning to fall. "It's nothing."

Her hands wound their way into her hair as grief squeezed her soul until it shattered. Her knees gave way and large sobs escaped her lips against her will as the tears fell down her cheeks like a waterfall.

A pair of arms tried to pulled her into a hug but with her eyes squeezed shut she smacked the hand away.

"I-it's nothing." She whimpered, more to herself now than to anyone else.

"Pidge you need to tell us, after what happened on earth..." Hunk stopped himself, quickly realising his mistake.

A strangled cry came from Pidge as realisation hit her, she was an orphan. She had no blood family. Scrambling to her feet, Pidge sprinted off with everyone else trying to catch up.

Quickly she sprinted to her room and locked herself inside.

"Pidge, come on you can't keep us out!" Lance said through the door. "You need to talk to someone at least."

Pidge pressed the palms of her hands to her ears, trying to block out everyone speaking to her and trying to get her to speak, instead it did nothing more than muffle the voices.

Her eyes landed on her headphones and old laptop under her bed, she grabbed them and shoved them under her arm.

Unfortunately Pidge knew that it wouldn't be long until they got frustrated and had Coran or Allura open the door.

Next she began piling up her belongings into the middle of the room. An air vent sat in the middle of the roof and once she climbed up the pile, it didn't take much effort to pop it open and wriggle in.

Shutting the vent and wiping her eyes, she started crawling. Eventually she found a dark space in the vent.

Pidge had always loved being in dark and cramps spaces, it calmed her mind when she was thinking too much.

Putting on her headphones and setting up her computer, she fell asleep to one of the songs Matt had listened to way too much on earth.

It didn't seem possible, but when March To The Sea started playing, she started crying even more than before.

Little Believer {Pidge Gunderson VLD fan fiction}Where stories live. Discover now