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The young man sat huddled in the corner of his cell, shaking from the cold and pain that wafted over him.

The excruciating pain crashed like tidal waves against his brain as he tried not to move too much.

The stitches his last cellmate had used to sew up his once open wound burned something horrible. But at least he was healing. Hopefully.

He'd been alone in the cell for a few days now, the pain was slowly subsiding however infection would always be a risk and the boy just prayed it wouldn't happen.

Clicks echoed against the door, light burned against his eyelids. Slowly he opened them, blinking multiple times to get used to the purple lights, before he could there was a thud, some whimpering and the door shut once again.

"You're human?" A small feminine voice whimpered.

The boy remained silent as he studied the girl. She was also human, her skin midnight and her dark brown hair in cornrows. Her clothing however caught his eye, it was the Garrison's space suit.

"I'm human too." She said, kneeling on her knees. "What's your name?"

The boy remained cautious, he'd encountered some horrid things here and learnt you couldn't be too careful.

She looked at him expectantly, but after a while she realised what he was playing at and continued to speak soothingly. "I'm Alyssa, and you are...?"

Again silence.

"It's ok if you don't want to talk, my friends say I talk enough for two anyway." She chuckled, though the mention of her friends seemed to sadden her. Her bright smile turned into a small frown and her eyes filled will unshed tears. "I'm actually really scared, I don't know what's going on. I went on a mission to Kurberous by myself because the Garrison didn't want to risk loosing anymore people after... yeah."

The boy was slightly intrigued with what she was saying, he hadn't heard of anything from earth since before he was taken.

"Then I found the old ship and equipment, it was really creepy. It was like being in an apocalypse city, you ever heard of those?" She looked up half heartedly, not really waiting for a response but was taken aback when he nodded ever so slightly. "So you aren't deaf!"

She seemed to perk up a bit at the small victory.

"Anyway, as I was saying. I was taking photos of everything and taking samples, all that good science stuff. Then the galra... I woke up in a different cell and they interrogated me. Then brought me here a day later." She rubbed her cheek, trying to gain some heat through that. "I'm guessing you know all about that though, huh?"

The boy sighed and ran a hand through his outgrown hair. His voice was scratchy when he used it. "Yeah."

"He speaks!" She gave a small smile.

It really is refreshing to have someone with so much life in them to talk with, he thought.

"I do." He gave a weak smile, the effort causing his faded lips to crack.

"You know, these aliens are annoying the hell out of me. Like not even the kidnapping people part, but they look like cats! They even act like them!" She waves her arms around.

Sadly, the boy knew that soon she would be cowering in fear of the aliens, no longer making those kinds of jokes.

"I wouldn't mention that to them if I were you." He advised, still remaining completely still for the sake of the stitches, whining slightly when he breathed in too deep and strained the thread.

"Wait, are you injured?" She asked worriedly, for once taking in how skinny he was. When he nodded she panicked more. "What happened?!"

"This place isn't exactly a holiday." He said bitterly, sarcasm dripping from his words.

She shuffled over enough to get a glimpse of the stitches holding together a deep gash.

She let out a sigh and decided to change the subject. "So, you got a name mystery boy?"

Hesitantly he nodded. "Yeah, sorry. I'm Matt Holt."


I feel bad but not really.

This is the end of the book for now.


It's a lot but I've got a lot of other unpublished and published books that I'm working on and I'll be able to know if you actually want a sequel or not. So if you think I should make a sequel VOTE!

I know it's possible if everyone votes instead of ghosts!!



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