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haeju: congrats!!

hopeinyasheets: let me guess. youre wet ;)

haeju: oh no lol. im dryer than the sahara tbh

hopeinyasheets: ?? How?

haeju: ur just the 50th person to send me an unsolicited dick pic this month

hopeinyasheets: u have a helluva a way to bring down a guys confidence :(

haeju: & u have "a helluva way to" make me want to delete twitter

hopeinyasheets: that's fair

hopeinyasheets: but i mean u must want me. everyone does

haeju: are u the only guy in a five mile radius of ur house lol

hopeinyasheets: damn u really hate me

haeju: idk about u personally but currently i hate your dick

hopeinyasheets: the British*

haeju: what

hopeinyasheets: my dicks name is the British

haeju: im contemplating if i wanna know why

hopeinyasheets: it's fine take ur time

haeju: ok yeah i wanna know

hopeinyasheets: so i can yell “the British are coming” during sex

haeju: ok yeah i hate u too

hopeinyasheets: yeah that's fair also

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