25 [full+final]

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Haeju walked out into the train platform, her phone clutched in her hand. Her breathing was shallow, nervous of what he’d think of her in real life; a part of her wanted to turn around and get back on the train. But, she digressed. She took a seat as she waited for Hoseok to appear out of the thick crowd that piled off the train.

When he caught glimpse of her, he couldn't take his eyes off. He made a B-line for Haeju, wanting to hold her in his arms as soon as possible. She practically leapt into his arms when she saw him, wrapping her legs around his waist. He let out a small growl at this, whispering ‘let’s save that for later, baby girl’ into her ear. She let out a laugh, falling from his waist, but his arm moved to be slung around her shoulder instead.

The two walked out the train station with Hoseok looking around, daring anyone to try and look at her the wrong way. He held her door open, letting her slide into his truck before shutting the door and going to his side. With the sun beginning to set, he turned the truck on and began driving toward downtown Seoul.

The fair lit up the field it was in like a lightbulb, making Haeju’s face brighten. She had a large smile on her face as Hoseok placed his arm on her shoulders once more; he rubbed her upper arm lightly, the tips of his fingers seeming to leave burning trails on her skin. He had won her a large teddy bear, making his life the ultimate cliché, buy with her, he didn’t mind it. Haeju made his life worth it, and she completed him like no other. So, to complete the movie script they were living, Hoseok took her to the ferris wheel and paid the man extra to have him stop them at the top.

At 3 minutes to ten, the wheel stopped at the top, and Hoseok began the speech he’d been planning in his head since the night they’d facetimed. “Haeju, you’re the light of my life; you changed me for the better and I can never thank you enough. I want to treat you like the queen you deserved to treated like. I want to take you on shopping sprees and I want to travel the world with you, despite the fact I know nothing I see will compare to your ethereal beauty. And I know your past, and I know how scared you must be of this moment, but will you please become my girlfriend?”

Haeju has a few tears run down her cheeks and Hoseok spoke, but she let out a smile and nodded as he took her face in his hands and wiped her tears with his thumbs, asking one last question. “Can I kiss you?”

She let out a small laugh and leaned forward, pressing their lips together. Hoseok took a peek at his watch: 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . .

Fireworks exploded into the sky, making the two look up; against the pitch black night, there were brilliant hues of purple and blue and gold. But in all of that beauty, they were still no match for the way the other looked in each others eyes.

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