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hopeinyasheets: hey ik i cant really go back and change anything but fr sorry abt the pic

haeju: thank you, really. no one has ever said that despite how long i went off on them for

hopeinyasheets: then why didn't you go off on me

haeju: bc I was tired lol

haeju: but i have a question

hopeinyasheets: yeah?

haeju: ive never got to ask this question before — WHY DO THEY ALWAYS CHOOSE ME?? im not some Pokemon

hopeinyasheets: personally, i sent it bc i saw your twitter pics

haeju: so u sent it to me . . . bc i turned you on??

hopeinyasheets: yeah pretty much

haeju: idk if i should be disgusted?? i haven't posted anything where I'm exposed,,,, even if i did it's not an invite to show me your dick

hopeinyasheets: how would that not be??

haeju: LEMME MAKE IT SIMPLE — unless a girl says "hey send me a pic" or you've been in relationship w her & know she likes surprise pics, chances are she doesn't want it.

hopeinyasheets: o

haeju: yeah.

hopeinyasheets: but to continue to answer your question, if it's like a younger guy who sends you the pic, chances are they see it as a game

haeju: can u like,, elaborate

hopeinyasheets: ik when i was younger & my friends were younger we thought that if we like sent a girl a pic and she just simply opened it, we had ‘won’ bc she saw us.

haeju: that's,,,, thats so nasty

hopeinyasheets: now that i have ur insight & now that I'm thinking back on it, it kinda is

hopeinyasheets: but you can't deny that a bunch of girls enjoy them

haeju: im not. never was.

haeju: i just don't like them, and i know a bunch of girls who don't like unsolicited ones either

haeju: no one likes to be chillin with their fam and then unlock their phone to see a photographer's worst nightmare

hopeinyasheets: that's fair

haeju: but anyways thanks for apologizing lmao

hopeinyasheets: no problem???

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