Chapter 2

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I sat down at our usual table at lunch and waited for Nathan to show up. I kept to myself like I'm supposed to and ate my food in silence, just staring at my plate. People whispered around me, I could tell they were talking about me. I wanted to look up but I know I'm not allowed to.

"Fuck. I hate how much homework Mr. Puttinsky gives us," Nathan's voice said by me, indicating he had arrived. "You're coming over after school to help me. Or should I say, do it for me." He let out a small chuckle, as if he'd told a joke. I just kept eating my food. "What the fuck?" Nathan growled.

I looked up at him. "What's wrong, babe?" He pointed a finger across the room. I followed it to see a boy with curly, brown hair and a tall, slim figure sitting by himself. He was staring at us.

"Who the fuck does he think he is? Staring at my chick." Nathan wrapped an arm possessively around me, pulling me closer. His fingers were digging into my arm. I wanted to cry out but I knew I couldn't. "He won't fucking stop looking. Maybe if I.." He reached a hand down to my thigh. My eyes widened. I didn't want him to do this. Not here. Not now.

"He looks new. M-Maybe he's just observing his new classmates," I rushed out. Nathan stopped his hand and put it back on the table. I let out a relieved sigh.

"Mother fucker... He should mind his own business still." He let go of me and began to eat.

I rubbed my stinging arm and looked at the new guy. He was still looking, a concerned look on his face. My heart seemed to skip a beat. I tugged my scarf up to my nose, hiding my face that was beginning to blush. I snuck in a yawn, as if I was just pulling it up to hide my yawn.

"Fuck. Stop that. You'll get me started. I have a whole day planned out," he punched my leg, shooting pain through it. My eyes watered. I looked at the guy again, his expression now anger. "Eat your food." I looked down and obeyed.

The car ride home was quiet, I just stared out the window, watching the world go by. Nathan listened to the radio, blasting it like usual. He sung to the parts he knew and would nudge me when he would want me to sing along. I didn't know half the songs he was listening to.

"No, that's not how it fucking goes!" He would yell, slapping me hard in the face. Tears would silently stream down my face and I would hold my stinging face. He always gets mad at me over the littlest things.

When we got home, he got out and grabbed my arm. He pulled me, practically dragging me, into the house. I'd beg him to please don't, that I'm sorry and that I'll learn the songs. He ignored me and tossed me against the wall. When I slammed into it, the air was knocked out of me. "Please. I'm sorry," I gasped, just laying there. I learned not to get up when he was in a bad mood. He'd just kick me down again.

"It's too fucking late for sorry, you piece of shit. Why the fuck aren't you caught up on my songs yet? Fuck. You had one fucking job." He kicked me in the side, making me cough. "Why the fuck can't you be cool?" He grabbed a handful of my hair and made me look at him. His face was full of rage. There was no calming him down.

"I'm sorry!" I yelled, starting to cry.

"Get that look off your face." He smacked me hard, causing my head to hit the floor hard. The room spun. He just kept punching, kicking, and smashing my head in the floor. I lost consciousness at one point, the pain fading away.

When I regained consciousness, the house was dark. I was cold and in pain. My torso and head felt like they were on fire. It was obviously hours later. Probably around 7 in the afternoon. I slowly sat up, ignoring the pain. The light in our room was on, indicating Nathan was still up and probably watching TV. I slowly got up and limped into the room. 

Nathan was awake, polishing his shoes. Basically mocking me that he just beat the shit out of me. But.. it's out of love. He looked up at me. "About time you got up. Here's my homework." He tosses a book at the end of the bed and went back to polishing his shoes. I limped to the edge of the bed, sat down, opened the book, and began to work.

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