Chapter 17

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I lay there with my mom playing with my hair. It seemed like forever. I hadn't seen my mom in months. It was so nice to see her again. To be touched lovingly. 

Gavin was waiting outside with the police. He had called them while my mom was headed over to my house. They got here shortly after my mother. They were NOT gentle with Nathan. They practically dragged him out. He did not go down without a fight. He punched a cop or two. Screamed that I deserved it. That I was a bitch. In the end, he got tazed and not treated too nicely by the officers.

I smiled. It wasn't fake. Or forced. It was real. I was so happy. My heart was full of love for once.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Mom whispered after a while.

"Because I loved him," I whispered back.

She hugged me, kissing me on the head.

A knock on the door frame. "Can I come in?" a familiar voice asked.

I was laying in my bed. My mom was sitting beside me, holding my hand. I looked over to see a relieved Gavin. "Of course," I hoarsely answered. He drifted in, nodding at Mom.

"I'll let you two talk," she got up and kissed me on the head. She patted Gavin's shoulder. "Thank you." He nodded. She closed the door as she walked out.

Gavin walked over and sat beside me. "I thought I was going to lose you there for a second," he laughed nervously. "Are you doing okay?"

"My throat and head is killing me, but yeah." I looked at the oxygen tank beside my bed.

"He's gonna go away for a long time. He can't hurt you anymore," Gavin grabbed my hand and ran a thumb over it. I flinched at first, afraid. "I won't hurt you. I promise."

"I believe you. Thank you so much, Gavin," I smiled, tears threatening to flow again.

- - - - - - - - - - -

A few weeks past since Nathan was arrested. We sold the house, got rid of all his stuff, and moved me back home. School finished, barely letting me pass and graduate. The school sent me a giant get well card with everyone signing it and writing a small note. They let me do my work a little later under the conditions I was in. My mom and I caught back up. She made sure I was in her sight 24/7. Gavin came over every day to see how I was doing. He'd check on my wounds and a couple days after I came home, he removed the bandage around my head. I could finally speak clearly again.

Nathan's court date is in a few days. I'm being forced to go, abused victim and all. Something I'm not proud of. We found out I got pregnant, but I lost it. That should be a nice few extra decades on his sentence.

His mom isn't really talking to mine. They stopped talking after the day of the plan. Apparently, his mom knew of his violent tendencies and did nothing to stop him. So, she gets to be trailed, too.

"What's next on the agenda for a free Charlotte?" Gavin asked me one day.

I smiled, thinking of the possibilities. "I'm thinking of taking it slow. Take back the months I lost."

"Mind if I help?" He squeezed my hand gently, grinning.

"Not at all."


Thank you so much for joining me on the journey of my first finished book on here!!!

I do plan on making a Book 2!

It'll be Charlotte dealing with the usual PTSD that abused victims face after this type of relationship. She'll have to deal with the court case, the horrible past, and a wonderful new boyfriend.

I can't thank you enough!!!!! See you in Book 2!!!!!

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