Chapter 4

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I gasped for air, coughing violently. I lay on my side, a hand on my neck. Nathan lay by me, grinning from ear to ear. He wouldn't stop. He didn't care. He just kept going, pressing down more and more onto my neck.

He let out a small laugh and grabbed my shoulder, making me turn to him. He grabbed my face and made me kiss him. I was still trying to take deep breaths of air but I did what he wanted because I didn't want to piss him off. Again. He looked at me before laying on his side, falling asleep.

I instantly got up and headed to the bathroom, turning the shower on. I shut and locked the door, looking into the mirror. His hand was already showing up on my neck. "What the fuck..," I whispered. "Why?" I turned the shower head on and climbed in, sitting on the floor. I hugged my knees and buried my face in my legs. Then I cried until the water ran cold.

During the weekend, Nathan stayed at his house. I was left alone in our house, with barely any food and not allowed to do anything. He would text me every hour, wanting to know what I was doing. In detail. It was getting really old.

I watched TV for the majority of the day, laying on the couch, wrapped in a blanket. I didn't want to move, to speak, or even think. I was enjoying the quiet, empty house. The TV was the only sound, helping me from thinking. I'd doze off and on, waking up when something interesting was on or when Nathan would text me. 

Since there was barely any food in the house, I didn't bother to eat. I just drank a cup of water and a can of soda. Nathan didn't want me to eat unless he was there anyway. The dull pain of starving didn't really bother me anymore.

When the show I was watching went on commercial, my mind drifted to Gavin. Why couldn't I have a guy like him? I thought. I sighed and rolled over, falling asleep for the night.

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