➏ Six - Guffawed.

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I watched the buildings go by, one by one, tall and grey looming over us. We had piled into a cab, and were making our way across town. I didn’t hear exactly where we were going, but I had a gut feeling it would take a while as we neared London Bridge. Dumbledore was humming an unfamiliar tune, and Tom was staring out the window. I smiled; today was going to be interesting. 

I felt a nudge to my right arm, I groggily wiped my eyes; I had fallen asleep. Damn. Tom was still nudging me, pressuring me to hurry up and get out the cab.

“Alright, alright! I’m up!” he rolled his eyes and pushed me out instead. Rude.

Upon brushing myself off the ground I found that we were in front of a beat up old building with a rusty wooden door, with the lingering smell of drunk people, and urine, I deducted that we were in fact in front of a pub. Dumbledore chuckled at my dismay, and pointed towards the loose wooden sign, ‘The Leaky Cauldron’, before walking in – Tom following suit. I groaned as I pushed through the door, finding that the inside wasn’t as bad as it’s exterior, and held a homely feel that only an alcoholic could concoct. There weren’t too many people inside, but they were all keeping to themselves, and occupying the darker areas of the bar. I spotted Dumbledore and Tom in the far corner, waiting for me. Making my way towards them, I noticed the bartender, with his brimming blue eyes, and shaggy brown hair. He was quite young looking, and yes, very attractive. He gave me a light smile and went back to work, I felt a blush along my cheeks, and quickly hurried to flee the scene.

We walked out of the back door and into a dead end, red bricks surrounding us. “Is this it?” Tom mocked.

I shot a glare at Tom; he didn’t have to be so rude. I didn’t understand why Tom disliked Professor Dumbledore, considering the Professor hasn’t given any reason to be disliked. Dumbledore smiled and patted Tom’s head (to his annoyance) before taking out his wand and tapping a seemingly random order of bricks. And just like that the bricks began to rearrange themselves, opening a way onto cobbled paths, and the sound of bustling bodies filled our ears. I blinked twice, unsure if I what I saw was real. Moving walls! A bustling crowd of people in strange robes (some even sported pointy hats!), owls perched on the shoulders of some, and I could distinctively hear someone yelling out about a Chocolate Frog sale. “A bit overwhelming the first time, but it’s always a good bit of fun.” Dumbledore spoke with a warm smile.

“Ah, now, we better be off to Ollivanders for a wand for young Mr. Riddle. Ms. Rosewood, I assume you know where you’re going?” he said with a wink, handing me a piece of parchment (Upon inspection turned out to be a list of supplies).

I smiled gingerly, a bit afraid of the possibility that he could read my mind. Just how much could this strange old man know? “Yes, Professor. Um… should we meet up somewhere?”

Tom was looking strangely at me, possibly curious about how I would know my way around. “I find that walking around can get tiresome, and it would be best to get you both some ice cream after, wouldn’t you agree?”

I nodded, Nym had drawn me a map of Diagon Alley (which I ripped out, folded up, and placed in the pocket of my dress), and I remembered seeing an Ice cream parlor across a store for robes. “If you get lost, I’m sure the book in your rucksack will help you. It’s not strange to be carrying around an enchanted book, my dear.” He added with a smile before walking off with Tom, leaving me even more out of my wits at how much this man knew.

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