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The Diary of a Vampyr

Written by bayzeen226

April 7, 1863

What a horrid time to be a vampyr. Everyone suspects their neighbor, even their own children. Especially in a small town near England. On the morrow, I shall ask the council if I may immigrate to ‘America’.

April 8, 1863

The council rejected me! Me! I am the sister to the wealthiest man in all of England! How infuriating! This absolutely makes my blood boil! All is not well here. Supplies are scarce and food is scarcer. It is due to boycotting of some of the harbormen. I shall fix the problem as soon as I can. It has been raining for over one fortnight. It pleases me to see the water rushing through the streets. In one fortnight, Matthew is going to give me my first lesson on vampyrism. He is a lovely man. He is always so kind to me. Another man burned at the stake today. He was a vampire; Matthew told me about it as we were having breakfast. Vampyres and vampires are two different breeds of Wampyres. The man was my uncle, but overtaken by the devil. You see, in the beginning, there were only Wampyres, formally known as vampyres. After a civilization was developed at least 2000 years beyond the one we live in today, a genetic mutation happened. It resulted in ‘humans’. They were weaker, uglier, more evil than vampyres. Most wanted to eradicate them but vampyres are a peaceful people. Eventually, humans multiplied and soon outnumbered the vampyres. Then they forced our people to move underground, go into hiding. All humans have vampyr in them. It is as if the vampyr is ‘sleeping’ and a bite from a vampyr or vampire will wake them up. Unless they are killed, of course. Then, they turn into a vampire, a being that rejoices in havoc, hatred, and killing. They believe that humans cause more havoc than they, so they despise those of us who attempt to reclaim the earth for vampyres. Vampyres are beautiful, intelligent creatures that believe in love and peace. They want the earth back. There are two ways to become a vampire: one is a vampyr dying a natural death (self-inflicted or time) which would take around 5000 human years, or be killed as you are being bitten. Your body will then be possessed by the devil. Vampyres only drink the blood of the one that they love. Vampires drink any person’s blood. My brother Matthew and I are vampyres.

April 9, 1863

Those harbormen are atrocious! They have no respect for women whatsoever! In vampyric times, women were treated as equals! Hmph! I convinced them to stop the boycott though. Now the whole city will not have to worry that they will not eat for a night. Matthew told me today that vampyres can have children. Interesting.

April 10, 1863

I cannot wait another moment for my history lesson from Matthew. I shall ask him to-morrow if we may have the lesson sooner. How exciting! I am enthralled by vampyric history. I am glad that Matthew will take time out of his day to tutor me. I just hope it is to-morrow!

April 11, 1863

I have been in a horrid mood the whole afternoon. I kept recounting the night I was turned. It was only a few months ago, on the eve of my thirteenth birthday. My uncle (the one who burned) had reverted a week prior. He wanted his family to revert as well. He came to my party. I remember when he entered; our parlour was gaily decorated with multicolored papers, and our hearth was hung with socks (Christmas was in two weeks). My Uncle Thomas walked over to me and promptly bit me on the neck. I screamed and did what any person would do; I fainted. When I awoke, my father and mother were gone. I looked around and saw Matthew, only fifteen at the time, sobbing and clutching one of mother’s kerchiefs and a piece of parchment to his chest. I ran to him. “What is wrong, brother dearest? Where are mother and father?” He did not look at me. He handed me the piece of parchment and walked out of the room. I opened the parchment and discovered it was a note. It read:

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