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May 1, 1863

I have noticed a change in Matthew lately; he speaks more powerfully. Instead of sulking around the house as he has done since we were bit, he holds his head high and smiles at me more. You see, to be president of the vampyric council, one must be a vampyr. So, the letter informing him that he was to be the council leader doubled as his recognition letter. He told me that every vampyr recieves one. It was quite humorous after he got the letter; him getting that letter meant that i shall be more powerful than him! Just think, i shall one day be more powerful. We laughed and laughed for at least a quarter of an hour. It is refreshing to have him actually speak to me. For the past months, he has only spoken to me for a few moments at a time, and always irritatedly or sadly. I hope he is no longer infuriated with me.

May 2, 1863

Today we traveled to the vampyr council. I have never visited them in person; i have only sent letters or spoken telepathecly with a represenative. I asked Matthew why we were going on a boat. It turns out that the council is located in America! I got my wish after all! The place where Matthew and I shall be staying is in a place they call the Rocky Mountains.

When we arrived at the council building, I could not stop myself from staring at it. It was a large building. It had beautiful architechture; columns, facades, and other things that i didn't even know what to name! I stood in front of the building, gaping at the large white building. Matthew frowned and pulled me inside. We were greeted by a smiling women with an unusual hairstyle. She told us that we must go to a room off to the right. We quickly walked over to the room. When i opened the door, i was so surprised! The room had a large roof and a large candelabra. Unlike the rest of the building, this room was painted black. Even the candelabra was black. I whispered to Matthew "Why are we here?" He glared at me in reply. I stared silently around the room. It had no furniture. Just then, a door appeared out of nowhere and a handsome man walked out wearing a very expensive suit. I am embarresed to say that i gaped at him; he was VERY handsome.

The man smiled at Matthew and me. He asked Matthew a few questions that i didn't pay attention to. Then he asked me what I thought my power was. I was very confused at that. I didn't know that vampyres had powers. I told him that I didn't know. He took Matthew and I into different rooms. I sat and gathered my surroundings. There were no windows. There was a small black chair sitting in the middle with chains on the bottom, connecting it to the floor. On the arms were bands similar to hand cuffs. I was about to sit in it when the man walked back into the room. He introduced himself as Peter and shook my hand. I am sure i blushed like a little girl! He told me that all vampyres have a special power given to them by Kristoff, our creator. He told me that to be branded, we must learn our power so we may be given our name on our souls. Powers! Incredible! I contemplated what my power may be. He told me i must stay in this room for one night.

May 3, 1863

I woke up from a horrible nightmare. I looked around, hoping to find Peter. He wasn't there. Maybe later. I shall write more after my test.

May 5, 1863

My test took very long. It took all of yesterday and most of the day before. It was very different than what i thought it would be. I thought the test would be on paper or answering Peter's questions. I was feeling extremely ignorant before the test, but it was actually quite easy. Peter just took me into a room and told me to do things. One thing i did was mix liquids in a large pot. I was told that i was tested on all of the vampyric gifts. I am very happy; i am a healer! Peter told me that i musn't try to heal anyone untill my powers are fully awakened. He told me that may not happen for years or days. I hope it happens soon. I am ready to become a vampyr.

May 6, 1863

Today Matthew and I moved into our new mansion. It is very near to the Vampyr council so we will not have to travel very long every day. Our new home is even more elegant and graceful than our old home. It is invisible to mortal eyes so our mother and father will not be able to find us.

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