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June 2, 1863

We had a wonderful time touring Mexico. We dressed as locals and went through all of the largest cities. Matthew pretended that he was not worried about mother and father, but i could tell. His smiles seemed forced and his laughs were a little to happy. I visited a local hospital and healed some people. I felt happy for the first time since i drank that innocent mans blood. Matthew tells me i shouldn't worry about him but i still do. I feel him inside me. I know him. I know who he was. It scares me. I shall ask Peter about it as soon as i see him.

June 3, 1863

Matthew seems very hungry lately. I asked him why he hasn't searched for his love yet. He didn't answer me. He just walked away. Maybe he has already found his love and doesn't want to talk about it. I hope i find whom i love soon so i may marry him. Maybe it is Peter. I shall ask.

June 4, 1863

It is Peter. I walked up to him and asked him if he loved me. He told me he did and we shall be married soon. My own brother will be performing the ceremony. How exciting. I feel happier than i ever have been. My life is finnally going right and nothing can bring me down.

June 5, 1863

The outdoors here are so beautiful. I tour the grounds of our mansion every day and bask in the sun. I must be careful though; i sunburn easily. Often Peter and i walk hand in hand throughout the garden. We smile and laugh and just talk. We even fed on eachother, but i cannot let Matthew find out! My hunger is finally satisfied. Peter truly is my love.

June 6, 1863

Matthew is so happy being the president of the council. He was born to lead. One man told me that vampyres haven't had this kind of peace since 55 B.C.E. Wonderful. We haven't gotten word from Mother and Father for a while. I hope he isn't worrying about them to much. I'm not. I am just so happy about this wedding!

June 7, 1863

Today, we got the shipment of bloodwine for my wedding. Matthew is going to toast me with abottle tonight. I am so happy!

June 8, 1863

Killed. My brother is... killed. I cannot move, i am so grieved. I wasn't aware that a body could endure this much pain at one time. I have lost my brother. I cannot comprehend that i shall never see him again. He was murdered. Poisoned by the bloodwine. Someone wanted his position as President. Why would someone do this? Who would cause me this pain? My heart is ripping itself apart. I feel nothing but pain. I want this pain to go away. I am taking sleeping pills tonight. Take the pain away.

June 9, 1863

We are holding an investigation for who might have killed my brother. We have no suspects. We have nothing to go on but a single bottle of bloodwine. It is the one that i chose for us to drink. I am so guilty. What were the odds?

June 10, 1863

I am being blamed for killing Matthew. Right after his burial, two large men confronted me. They hypnotized me and brought me into a dark room. They questioned me. They believe i killed my brother so i could become the president, for i am next in line. They are going to execute me to-morrow. I cannot be killed for something i didn't do. I am going to take Peter and flee the city. It is a Necropolis (city of the dead) but it is a misnomer, for vampyres are not dead. Except me. I shall always have the darkness of death hanging over me.

We shall leave tonight.

June 11, 1863

Peter and i successfully fled the Necropolis. We are heading towards the ocean and shall try to find an island to live on. It shall be wonderful.

I break into tears every time i think of him. Matthew, Matthew, Matthew. How can you be gone? Where are you? I miss you. Please come back to me. I need you.

June 13, 1863

We have decided to stay in a small portside town for the time being. I feel like someone is following us but Peter insists it is my imagination. He made me feed to try and get my mind off of it. It helped, for a moment. He said that he could take all the pain away by draining the blood that holds the pain in it but it didn't work. He is so sad about Matthew's death. Not as sad as me. I remember when we were growing up and he used to climb trees and jump down just to scare me. How can he be gone? Maybe it is a mistake.

June 14, 1863

Someone is definitely following us. I can sense them. I wonder who it is. Maybe Matthew is coming to find me.

June 17, 1863

My parents found me. They didn't kill me. When they saw me, the were so surprised. I attempted to run to them but they held a cross out along with Holy Water. I was confused; those have no effect on vampyres. Then i realized they thought i was a vampire. Those things can affect them. I finnally realized they were there to kill me. I grabbed Peter's arm and tried to get him to run. He got up and saw my parents and panicked. He threw himself in front of me right as a stake was about to pierce my flesh. It hit him right in the heart. I attempted to heal him but it was no good. He was gone. I hissed at my parents and they fled. They had tears running down their faces, but my tears were more torrential. They didn't know i was fine and happy. They killed my fiance. My brother is dead. They knew none of that. They just thought they were doing their job. I ran into the ocean and screamed. I was carrying Peter and gave him a burial at sea. I watched as his body burned in the late afternoon sunlight.

June 18, 1863

What am i to do?

June 20, 1863

I have no choice. I must travel back to the council. They will help me. Even if they don't, death would be better than anything.

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