Welcome To EROTICA (Part 1)

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Okay, okay, slowly, slowly... fuck, that hurts!

Lauren Jauregui hissed in pain, eyebrows knitting together in a frown as her behind made contact with the leather chair of her office.

That chair had been a gift from her father when she took charge of the family business, and even if it had been his first, that leather master piece was one of the comfiest places to seat in the entire world, so that was saying a lot about how tender her butt really was.

"Is anything wrong, Ms. Jauregui?" Allyson, her secretary, asked from the entrance, a look of concern in her warm brown eyes.

She was holding one of the glass doors with one hand and some folders and papers on the other. She was wearing a white skirt just above her knee, a soft blue blouse and matching heels.

Allyson Brooke Hernandez was a short, blonde girl that worked in Jauregui Industries since two years ago. She was a very sweet and caring person, and even if Lauren already considered her one of her closest friends, Allyson insisted on keeping a formal treatment inside the company. Although outside was a complete different story. Ally was almost like a second mother to her -albeit a very young one-.

"Um, yeah, everything is fine, Ms. Hernandez" She tried to give her a convincing smile, but the soreness on her rear end made it seem more like a tight grimace.

"I'm fine, it's just a little heartburn. I'll take something later"

Of course her secretary didn't totally buy it, after all she knew her boss almost too well, but she didn't push it any further, and Lauren couldn't be more thankful for it at the moment. Lying to her employee/friend was becoming harder and harder and also, ironically, more frequent.

"Well, in that case, I'll just leave these papers here" She took a deep breath before walking over to Lauren's desk.

As many other articles inside that spacious office -like the large windows, that practically made up all the walls, with automatic dark grey curtains; the city lights that came through them at night always from below, as if the entire city had to look up at the Jauregui building in awe; the massive glass chandelier on roof, the mini bar in the back with the boss' private collection of reserve wine...-, the the neatly organized mahogany desk gave a strong and unique sense of authority, of power.

That office -along with its owner- used to made Ally and actually any other person that dared to walk the same path, feel tinier, weak, insignificant.

Of course with the time and the growing closeness between her and her boss that feeling came to her on rare occasions now, reversed only for the times Lauren -she didn't call her Ms. Jauregui in her thoughts- was having a bad day or was in a bad mood- or both.

Nevertheless, Ally swallowed hard as she made her way inside, her blue high heels clicking against the expensive designer Italian ceramic tiles of the floor. Old habits die hard, she thought.

"Oh, I also wanted to remind you about the meeting with the investors from New York" She set the papers down in front of Lauren, finally.

"God, that's today?"

Ally- erm, Ms. Hernandez -she had to call her that in her thoughts so she wouldn't let an Ally slip in front of the rest of her employees- had been mentioning it everyday since last week, how could she had totally forgotten about that monstrously important meeting? Oh, you know how, Lolo.

"Yes, Ma'am. That's today" Ally snapped her back to reality.

Forgetting about her current condition, Lauren slumped on her seat frustrated with herself, only to flinch at the new pressure applied on her butt. Miss Hernandez gave her a last suspicious look, and Lauren's hand went to her stomach, pretending to rub it soothingly. Although it looked impressively fake, Ms. Hernandez didn't question it, and just made her way out of the big office.

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