Welcome To EROTICA (Part 2)

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Finally at the entrance, Mark knocked just twice before a tall, burly, broad-shouldered and honestly terrifying black man opened the door, crossing his thick, veiny arms over his chest the moment he saw them. He was wearing a scowl as if it were a permanent part of his face, and had tattoos covering the skin from his neck all the way down to his wrists.

"Ah, Rick. How are you, beautiful young man?" Mark's lips curved into a poor attempt of a warm smile as he gripped Rick's arms, rubbing the hard muscle, a delighted expression on his face.

Hmm, I never thought Mark was on the team.

Rick, on the other hand, kept a stoic expression on his tough-looking face, although he eyed the offending hands touching him frowning a bit more.

"Come on, Mark, let's just go inside, I have a meeting in a few hours" Whined Richard. The impatient, almost eager edge in his tone didn't pass unnoticed by Lauren.

"You're right. I have a few compromises myself, dear friend" Mark smoothed with one of his hands -the other one was still too busy feeling Rick's bicep up- the nonexistent wrinkles of his suit and adjusted his tie. Maybe touching something expensive gave him some sort of comfort, a sense of control, of power. God knows they were all in love with that kind of sensations.

"Take your fucking hand off me" Finally, Rick spoke, irritated, revealing that not only were his body and face and tattoos and presence in general intimidating but also his deep, raspy voice was something to fear and respect. It was the type of voice that could make the bravest warrior think twice before even looking his way.

Nevertheless, Mark seemed unfazed by all of that as his smile grew wider. Lauren shivered involuntarily. Was he out of his fucking mind? Did he lose it with all those champagne glasses? Did the caviar poisoned him, messed his brain up?

"Why are you being like that, Rick? You're hurting my feelings" He put his free hand on his own chest, pouting, the sight of it making Lauren cringe a little.

"Stop goddamn touching me before I do something that really hurts you" Rick tensed his jaw. You just had to look at his serious face to know he wasn't playing any games there.

Mark licked his lips, giving another squeeze to the man's tattooed arm, before traveling his finger up and down the thick muscle from his elbow to his shoulder, Mark's next words coming out of his smiling lips slowly, almost methodically.

"I would love that, because... only the one that hurts you can make you feel better."

For a second, Lauren could almost see in her head the clear, vivid image -not one that displeased her that much, to be honest- of Rick's strong fists beating the shit out of Mark's old, egocentric ass.

For just one tiny little second, she allowed herself to enjoy that image.

But nothing made sense to her anymore when just like that, Rick nodded his head, the tiniest of grins forming on his lips as he stepped aside to let them in.

"Welcome, Mr. Adams"

What. The. Actual. FUCK.

They walked through the cracked door, going down a short hallway, light of different colors coming from the end.

Was this the corridor to hell?

Once inside, the music was clearer and a little louder, and Lauren never thought Bon Appétit could make her hesitate in her step until then.

When they reached the end of the hall, Lauren's eyes scanned her surroundings, her jaw barely able to keep itself on its place instead of dropping right onto the floor.

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