Chapter 1. New deal

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"Jauregui Industries would be honored to work with you"

The lights went on again as Lauren finished her presentation. She wore her best professional smile, back fully straightened, chin up. Big green eyes shining with bright expectation for a new successful deal she'd be taken her company into.

She could sense little hesitancy from one or two the investors. This new project was risky, of course, but she had such a good feeling about it. Besides, the numbers in her projection showed its great outcome if succeeded; that's why she could also see the glint of interest in the majority of the people sitting before her at the meeting room.

"Ms. Jauregui, an excellent presentation and a great plan to back it up, as usual" Spoke Mr. CowelL getting up from his seat.

He was a petulant, old, and insufferable man that, despite his age and his excess of self love, had a brilliant eye for successful business. Lauren didn't like him, but she had learned to respect him and his talent for years now, so listening to him actually complimenting her surprised her as much as it boosted her ego: a FUCKING lot.

"If that's everything, we'd like to excuse ourselves, there's much to discuss before we make the final decision" This time it was Mr. Vives the one reaching Lauren's spot to shake her hand, proudly.

Carlos Vives was a middle aged man who also happened to be one of her father's closest friend and colleage for years now -even before she was born-, therefore he had seen her grow to become the successful business woman she was now. Even after moving to New York with his wife and daughter he followed her career, congratulating her every steady step and jokingly scolding her bold ones. After her father, he was probably the person Lauren admired the most.

Lauren corresponded the gesture with the same strength on her hold, her smile warming at the sight of his old friend's figure, noticing how the gray on his before-brown locks and the wrinkles of his smile had become more prominent. 

"Please, feel free to take a visit to our dessert table in the next room down the hall, there are plenty of appetizers, desserts, beverages..."

"If I can get my hands on a piece chocolate cake the deal is closed!" Another man, Mr. Johnson laughed at the door, before going to, presumably, the casual chat room.

"Why don't we go keep an eye on the poor desserts, kid?" Suggested Mr. Vives after releasing Lauren's hand.

"I'd be offended if you hadn't asked" 

"How not to? It's been a long while, kid! I'm not leaving without the updates I got a right to know" He said raising his tone, playfully mad. She chuckled as they started walking out the door.

"So... how's Lucy?"


After around an hour and a half later, and eighty percent of the desserts gone, Lauren and Carlos had filled each other in with as much details they'd missed over the few years apart as they could, for he had to leave early to take a plane back to New York.

Lauren smiled fondly as Carlos left the room, turning her way to shoot her one last grin before closing the door, the extra years of experience showing on his face.

Nevertheless, moments after he exited the building and even after the text of goodbye he sent her, she found herself all alone in a room full of hungry sharks. 

She took a deep breath as the image of her friend completely vanished from her mind, the anxiety she had been trying so hard to control, naturally coming back, crashing down on her like a ton of bricks, and all of it was caused by one single person standing in front of the beverage table.

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