Chapter 1

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Awaking to the night sky in the middle of the woods with a young boy standing over you is probably one of the most terrifying things that can happen. And yet here I am. "Hello?" The boy with his shaggy black hair seemed even more confused then me. Looking around I realised that I had never seen this place in my life, but that realisation made me realise something even worse, I don't know who I am...

"Uhmm are you okay?" The boy seemed concernced. "No... I'm not." Was all I could manage to get out. Then darkness.


"Who is she Baelfire?!" A voice yelled, of course normal people would of been curious about what was going on, but all I could think was, 'What a strange accent'. "I don't know she was in the woods!" Yelled back who I'm guessing is Baelfire. Me sitting up seemed to quiet them both. I wasn't in the woods anymore, but a small hut. There was still the young boy, Baelfire, but now he was joined by another boy. The other boy was blonde with peircing green eyes. They were both quite attractive though. "Siren..." "Huh?" They both looked at me confused. "My name is Siren... What's yours?", they looked at each other before the blonde one nodded.

"I'm the leader of neverland, Peter, Peter Pan." I looked at him trying to consider whether or not he's serious. "God there's war stories I'd rather hear than a over exagerrated introduction like that." The small smirk Peter wore grew as I told him what I thought of his introduction. "I'm Baelfire."

"Nice to meet you both, but where am I." Peter stood up, extending his hand. I sat for a second before taking it, as we stepped outside I took in my surroundings. Large trees, and all types of plant life surrounded us. Tents surrounded a campfire. A few boys huddled around the fire whilst the others messed around throughout the campfire.

"This is neverland." Peter seemed to think it was some holy place by the smirk on his face.

"So do you remember how you got here?" Baelfires voice chimed in. I could feel my face fall as I thought about my Lost memories, "No. I haven't got a clue." "Amnesia." Chimed one of the boys. Peters attention seemed to fall to the boys. "Well Siren these are my lost boys, and it's for them to go to sleep." Peters eyes seemed to sharpen as the boys said goodnight. "That includes you Baelfire." Peter seemed irritated to have to point out Baelfire had to leave also. For the first few minutes or so Peter just stared at me. I felt as though my stomach was doing flip flops.

"Interesting..." Peter finally broke the silence.

"What?", "You aren't scared." God was he ever wrong, I felt absoloutely terrifyed, but I refused to show it. "Should I be?"

"I don't know, you tell me."

I could feel myself mentally facepalming. "Okay I have amnesia not head trauma, so stop trying to act cool." He looked like his smirk widened, "You got fire, I like fire." I felt myself shrink at that, he was really cute. I felt my face go red. "What's wrong love." "Um I'm just kinda hungry, and some water would be great." Peter nodded and went into his tent. Within a few minutes he ecame back with some fish and water.

We both went silent as we finished our food. "So when do we start looking for my home?" "This is your new home." Every thought of how cute his smirk is, or how the wind picked up his shaggy hair left as I realised I wasn't going home." "What?" "You get to stay here." "No, no, no, no. I want to go home..... I want to go home please..." He looked at me with no pity, only cold darkness, his green eyes haunting me. "No." He started leaving to his tent, "Wait, Please Take Me Home!" He chuckled sinisterly, "You are home."

As he stepped into his tent Baelfire came out of his own. "You okay, I heard yelling?" He said whilst suppressing a yawn. "Did I wake you." "No I was just sitting in there, you know thinking and what not." I tried not to giggled as he tried to act as though I hadn't awaken him. "So how did you get here?" Baelfire stiffened at the question. "It's a long story..." He seemed uncomfortable about sharing the story so I left it at that.

"Thanks." I said quietly. "For what?" He looked at me confused, "For being nice to me... I don't- I wouldn't be calm without you here...."

"Oh it's nothing really, come on you must be tired." We walked to a cave where I'm guessing he sleeps. "We'll have to share a bed, sorry theres only one." He looked worried like I might be mad. "It's okay, just don't try anything indecent." He blushed bright red, "Of course not! Never!" He quickly stated. "Never? I thought I was pretty...." He looked panicked as soon as I said that, "I'm just kidding!" I started to laugh as he became even more embarressed, "Uhmm I sleep without a shirt by the way..." He said looking down. "It's okay, I'll be fine."

About five minutes later we're almost asleep. "Goodnight." I whispered softly against his chest. I felt him kiss my forehead before saying, "Goodnight Siren."  

Super short, but its only chapter one, This story gets better as you get through the first few chapters, so Please continue reading

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