Chapter 2

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'There he was Baelfire, I walked closer on the endless pathway of water as I got close, so did he, his lips-'

"Siren time to get up!" Peter woke me up, I saw Baelfire ready to go, I quickly got dressed and ready for breakfast. Peter stared at the ground with that dumb smirk on his on the way to breakfast, finally I turned to him and said, "What are you looking at?"

"Your jeans have a rip in 'em." I felt my face go red as I tried cover the hole. "Thanks for show love, but I got to go I'm starving." Peter chuckled as walked off. I ran back to the cave with Baelfire and borrowed a pair of his pants. Finally we got breakfast, peter kept winking though. I think one of the lost boys noticed, he was probably the oldest. He was definitely the creepiest.

The people on this island seemed to not know the word hope, but they did know reckless.

At one point they broke the table causing Peter to turn angry and tell them they couldn't eat til tomorrow. Baelfire kept making weird faces trying to get me to laugh, but it was to no avail, I couldn't stop thinking about having no memories or never being able to go home. "Siren please stay behind after breakfast." Peters voice broke my thoughts. I simply nodded and finished. While waiting for the others to be done my wandered to what he wanted to talk about. Maybe I already did something wrong, or I was going home, or he just wanted to give me the rules of the island and such. A sigh escaped as everyone went out to do whatever it is they do on this place. "Why do you look so frustrated love? I just want to talk."

"Maybe because I have no memories, or because I can't go home, Or because I'm in such a strange place thats run by children!" The last part came out as a yell, and I quickly shut up. Peters small smirk he always wore fell and he looked serious for the first time since I met him.

"Now look here Siren! I can't help that you have no memories! This is your home because you wouldn't be here if you hadn't chosen to come, thats the way it works! And you're scared because this place is new?! Well talk to the others! They may seem rowdy, but they're a good bunch, so keep your mouth shut!" Peter saw the scared and hurt look on my face and his expression went from pissed to one of pity, "Siren I'm sorry, but I just wanted to ask about what would make you feel better about being here...." I looked at him, straight in to those green eyes that weakened my knees, and walked out the door. Baelfire saw me upset and without asking where I was going or what happened, he just followed me. Finally I sat down, "He yelled at me, and then tried to apologize! What nerve! He is absolutely crazy and annoying! Ughhh!" I finally bursted out. Bae didn't say anything he just put out his arms and gave me a hug.

I felt tears coming and tried to push them down, but I was much to upset to not cry right now. "Hey, hey, hey, its okay. Pan just isn't used to having someone put him in his place." Baes smile brought a smile to my face and within seconds we were laughing and joking.

"That cloud is a bunny doing somersaults." A laugh came from Bae, "No way its a wolf jumping."

I looked at Bae, "You're crazy..." He was leaning in, but I realized I was too. His lips touched mine and I felt like my entire body inflated with dopamine (Dopamine is the chemical that your brain releases as happiness). We separated and just looked at each other. His eyes suddenly went wide, "What?! Is something wrong?!" I looked around confused until I saw my hair. It was Light blue.... Last night it was black and it was this morning too, so how? "Oh my god! How is this possible?!" As I freaked out my hair went bright red. "It must be in contact with your emotions."

"Well shit..." We turned to see Pan trying not to laugh, "It's not funny!" As I yelled at him my hair went through all of the colors of the rainbow before staying purple. "Help me please." I looked at Pan with pleading eyes.

"Sorry love I don't know how, you gotta figure it out yourself. Now come back to the camp, it's sparring day."

When we got back Peter started doing pairs. "Last, but not least, well maybe, Baelfire and Siren. Good luck." Baelfire gave a sorry look and went go hit me, I ducked and went up popping him in the mouth, swiping at his feet he lowered his guard on his face and torso, I quickly hit his throat taking him down. By the time I finished everyone was looking surprised. "What? Something wrong?"

Everyone returned to sparring while Pan looked over at me and signaled me to follow him.

"Today I am gonna start training you in magic." He said as we followed a winding path down to the lagoon. An apple sat on a tree stump that was protruding from the lagoon. "Now your first exorcise is to get me the apple without touching it."

He sat down and just stared at me, "How do I do that?" I questioned. "Just imagine where you it to be and focus there."

I closed my eyes and imagined it on Peters head. When I opened my eyes there was some type of gooey apple thing on his head. I felt myself begin to laugh, but quickly stopped as Peter glared at me. "What? I got it to you without touching it."

"You know that's not what I meant." He cleaned the mush from his head with the wave of his hand and replaced the apple, "Now try again." This time when I opened my eyes there sat the apple gleaming in the sunlight sitting on his head. "Woo! I did it!" I jumped around celebrating as Pan watched amused. "Now try to imagine yourself on that stump."

I looked at him with a, 'How the hell?!' look. "Just try." Once again I closed my eyes and when I opened them there I was. "Great job! I didn't expect you to get it the first time!" I quickly got myself back to where he was and hugged him excitedly. "Oh my God! I'm good at magic!"

"Very good job." Pan and I both realized we were still hugging and stopped embarrassed, red in the face.


 I'm exausted. Pan kept teaching me things one after another. Pan said I was a prodigy in combat and magic. The only reason I cared about magic though was for my memories.

I walked to the dining area and sat by Bae. "Pan said I might be one of the best magic users thats hes ever seen! Isn't that great!" I said excitedly waiting for him to smile or something, but his face fell and he seemed sad rather than happy. "Whats wrong?" I asked concerned. "Nothing I just don't like magic" He said looking down. "Why?"

"I just don't."

I looked into his eyes and nodded, "Lets go for a walk." With that I stood up and started walking. The sound of his feet assured me he was following. I stopped at the edge of the beach allowing the water to hit my feet.

We sat in silence watching the waves push n pull at the beach. "I didn't mean to upset you." I whispered barely audible. "You didn't upset me, just brought up a couple memories." He said looking at me although he was memorizing every feature on me, my blue eyes, to my long hair that was green at the moment. "I wish I had my memories." I looked out at the ocean. "If it's a curse then true loves kiss should break it." Said Bae. "One problem I don't love anyone like that and no one loves me like that."

"True, but one day there might." He looked into my eyes as he said it, moving closer. I leaned in breaking the gap between us. "Anything?" He said as we parted, "No and was that a test for my memories or....?"

"Both." He stood and started walking back, but I stayed and watched the waves.

"So you and Baelfire huh?" I turned to see one of the lost boys behind me. "I don't know what you mean, so you can leave." I hissed irritated by his loudness and how he was obviously spying on me. "I'm Felix, and you're the new girl Siren. What do you think of Neverland, amazing right? No parents, no rules." I could tell this guy loved to hear himself talk, especially about Neverland. "I think those are the bad, not the good." I reply staring out at the endless waves. "You'll appreciate it soon enough." And with that said he left me to the serenity of the oceans waves.


So I hope everyone enjoys this, sorry its short, but the chapters will get longer, I hope to update soon!

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