Chapter 3

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Peters pov~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

What a beauty she is. I roll my eyes at myself, 'You just haven't seen a girl in a while....' 

"She's a unique one, how'd Siren get here?" Felix spoke as he walked up to me. "I don't know..." I reply mystified. "Really? That's not possible, you always know how everyone gets here." Felix says with a breath of uncertainty around him. "Well I always pick em out." I say starting to walk away. "Siren and Baelfire kissed." He called out.I turn for a second, "I guess he doesn't know, I always get first dibs on the girls of Neverland." I walk down the trail to find my grandson.

Baelfires Pov~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I just sat down in my cave when Pan came in and stood at the entrance, "Yes Pan?" I ask taking off my shoes to lay down for a nap. "I heard you and Siren were 'Getting close' and you even had the balls to kiss her." He began to laugh as he ended the sentence, "Now normally I'd be mad, but you know I love games, so if she falls for you first, you win, if she falls for me, I win."

I glare at him, "She isn't a toy to play with no deal!" 

"How about if you when you both may leave, but if I win she stays forever, and you have to watch from a cage as my prisoner forever." He continues pacing back and forth.

"Fine, but how will we decide who wins." I say looking down. I mean if I win, which I will, we get to leave and be together forever. "Well when one of us kisses her and her memories come back. Oh and she doesn't need to know of this, but of course I must warn you, Peter Pan  never fails." With that said he teleported away. What have I done, Siren may be trapped forever now.

Sirens Pov~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I whistled a little tune as walked through the woods of Neverland, well I was until someone interrupted me. "Hello Peter." I say bending over to pick a couple berries, "The red ones are poisonous, the blue are safe." Pan said watching me closely. "Hmph oh well, I guess it'll just be a blue berry smoothie." I say putting the berries in a hand clothe before wrapping em up and putting em away.  "Your hair looks very pretty blue." Peter says looking at my ever changing hair. "Thanks." I say not looking down as I try to climb a tree. "Your welcome, love." I hear him say from below, "What are you doing?"

"There's a really beautiful flower up there, you see the blue one? Yeah I want it." I say trying to concentrate on not falling. "Want help?" Peter says now sitting on a few branches above me. "Well if you insist." I say chuckling. Peter appears back with the flower he leans down and places it in my hair a small smile on his face. I felt my face flush red at the closeness. He chuckles and starts walking off. "Wait!" I yell, "Yes?" he says not bothering to turn around. "I'm lost take me back to camp please." I say catching up to where he stood. He simply nodded and held his hand out. I smiled as I grabbed his hand, feeling the warmth from his hands. In a second we were at camp. "Wow that was cool." I say as I look around, "You know you can do that to, remember I showed you the spell earlier." He says chuckling with a smirk on his face, "Yeah, but that was such long distance!" I say walking off.

"Hi you're Siren, right." One of the lost boys says as he walks up to me. He was about 5'4, with short black hair, around the age of 14, his eyes a caramel brown. "Uh yeah, whats your name?" I ask uncomfortable that he knew my name. "Alex." He bows jokingly causing me to have to stifle a laugh. "Nice to meet you Alex." I say still laughing. "Have you met any of the other lost boys?" He asks gesturing to the other boys. I shake my head and he brought me over to a small group of boys. "The black haired one is Jonathon or Johnnie, Nathan and Luke are the twins." The twins both had long brown hair covering their eyes , but when they looked up you could see one of em had grey eyes, and the other had blue ones, they seemed around 15-16. Johnnie had short black hair, and crystal blue eyes, he seemed 13 or so. "Which twin is which?" I ask embarrassed. "I'm Luke." The grey eyed twin said. "Uhmm I-I'm Nathan." The blue eyed twin said stuttering. I could tell Nathan was a little antisocial, while Luke was a go getter. "I'm Siren, nice to meet you." I say looking down. I see my hair turn grey as I started feeling awkward. "Yeah my hair changes color depending on how I feel." I say nervously chuckling. "Lunch time!" I hear Pan yell.

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